15446 results
 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #013, 22 November 2002; if you are allergic to sales speak, proceed immediately to item 2; working group fine-tunes new SOPAC Work Programme Strategies; EU/SOPAC project staff recruitment underway; Taiwan schlarships open for 2003 awards

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #016, 20 January 2003; community risk seminar, Port Vila; effective communications identified as key to community risk management; Ireland injects more funds into EVI project; marine affairs education at Dalhousie University (Canada); pr

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #017, 31 March 2003; corrigendum for SOPAC calendar 2003; World Water Day 2003 (WWD); regional earth day 2003; third world water forum; EU-SOPAC project staff recruitment update; SOPAC news: last issue for 2002 published on our website

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #015, 8 January 2003; secretariat office reopens after christmas break; salute to Tikopia and Anuta, Solomon Islands; SOPAC programmes and strategies; Australia and SOPAC sign new MOU; SOPAC equipment aid in police investigation of Fiji

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #018, 28 April 2003; Japan/SOPAC sign agreement for deepsea research in 4 SOPAC countries; EU-SOPAC project planning meetings carried out in 3 countries; Pacific regional action plan on sustainable water management; SOPAC news: back issu

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #021, 25 November 2003; EU-SOPAC project delivers Tonga mapserver; water and climate management in the Pacific; Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) country updates; Palau & Tokelau delegations visit the Secretariat; SOPAC news & 32nd

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #024, 24 January 2004; greetings from the SOPAC newsdesk; cyclone heta flattens Niue; Pacific ocean forum set to open 2nd February; EU-SOPAC project staffing situation; EU-SOPAC project delivers more map servers

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #030, 30 July 2004; park showcases proper rural sanitation facilities; Nabua wind turbine delivers power to FEA; EU project country interns appointed; Pacific tsunami awareness workshop strategise for adequate response systems; SOPAC new

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #034, 30 November 2004; SOPAC awarded Sasakawa certificate of merit award; GIS & Remote sensing annual user forum voted "most interesting"; sanitation park handed over to the Fiji School of Medicine; review of Niue Disaster management ar

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #027, 27 April 2004; executive planning workshop; SOPAC launches global EVI at the UN; coastal zone Asia-Pacific conference, September 2004; hydrology training at Secretariat; regional earth day 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #025, 25 February 2004; Pacific Islands Regional Ocean Forum (PIROF) concluded; catastrophe insurance - a viable solution in the Pacific; 2nd GOOS regional forum rounds off PIROF week; director Pratt assumes big chair; EU vulnerability r

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #036, 23 February 2005; Indian ocean tsunami-earthquake disaster: a timely reminder for Pacific Island States; closure date for expressions of interest for Deputy Director position extended; a simple and cheap test for drinking water qua

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #029, 29 June 2004, SOPAC 33rd session reminder; grid-connected wind turbine commissioned at Delai-Nabua; EU & PIFS brief Pacific administrators of EU development funds; Pacific prepares for 2nd World Conference on Disaster Reduction; lo

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #032, 13 October 2004; SOPAC 33rd session special issue-; SOPAC council changes rules for executive appointments; $14m work plan & budget for 2005 approved; oceania wins bid to host International Geological Congress 2010; Papua New Guine

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #033, 30 October 2004; secretariat Deputy Director position advertised; US National Science foundation deepsea odyssey creating waves; SOPAC signs MOU with Melbourne fire & emergency services; Tuvalu first e-government application courte

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #46, May 2008; RIF update; IWRM fit to go (April 22nd to 25th); Aitutaki lagoon bathymetry survey (April-May); PICS to meet ECS (Extended continental shelf) deadline (May 12th to 16th); Japanese software to help in ECS claim (May 7th to

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #035, 23 December 2004; festive season closure dates 2004/2005; water quality handbook trialed in Niue; research project examines economic impacts of natural disasters; GEF /SOPAC sign agreement to develop programmes in water resources m

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #039, 10 May 2005; Geoscience Australia show Pacific islanders how to delimit maritime boundaries; stakeholders vet Pacific disaster risk reduction framework for action, 2005-2015; NZ$4.6 million to deliver technical support to SOPAC isl

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #040, 4 July 2005; Deputy Director-designate named; regional framework for action on disasters drafting complete; GEF seed fund for promoting environmentally sustainable transportation approved; Niue consultations benefits from prior EU

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC newsupdate #041, 25 November 2005; Samoa hosts SOPAC session again after 21 years; programme evaluators impressed by diversity; UNDP-ESCAP enthused about three-in-one meeting format; Pacific Islands fire services association established