15446 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Kiribati infrastructure sector review. Report aims to provide a diagnostic review of infrastructure in Kiribati, to identify the issues and options for improved infrastructure in Kiribati to inform the design and implementation of PRIF processes. 

 Pacific Data Hub

KEMA was contracted by the Pacific Power Association to conduct an energy efficiency study called "Quantification of the Power System Energy Losses in Southern Pacific Utilities" for 10 Southern Pacific Islands. 

This Consolidated Report gives an overview of the major findings of the study. The ten (10) utility island systems studied were the following:

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Energizer, Issue 1 2010 

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Energizer, Issue 2 2010

 Pacific Data Hub

Installation Manual for the Republic of the Marshall Island Solar Home Systems.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Pacific Energiser Newsletters captures energy stories and updates from the Pacific Region. 

The first 22 issues of the Pacific Energiser is captured in this content. The first issue was published in 2010. The 22 issues covers news and stories from 2010 to 2016.

 Pacific Data Hub

The perfomance of a reliable installation that fulfils a customers expectation requires both careful design and correct installation practice.

This is a system installation guidelines for the Pacific Islands on a Grid-Connected PV Systems.

 Pacific Data Hub

Tuvalu 2002 population and housing census reports:

1. Volume 1 - Analytical Report.

2. Volume 2 - Demographic Profile, 1991 - 2002.

 Pacific Data Hub

Tuvalu HIES 2004/2005 report, prepared by Central Statistics Division of Government of Tuvalu.

 Pacific Data Hub

Tuvalu 2012 Population & Housing Census - Preliminary Analytical Report

 Pacific Data Hub

Current energy use and potential for renewable energies in Tuvalu. An Alofa Tuvalu Report, funded by the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Pacific Fund) and ADEME at the request of the Government of Tuvalu.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report documents the wind energy potential for the island Funafuti. Also has a wind resource map of the island with an assessment of the economic feasibility. Report was prepared by Ecology Management ApS of Denmark for SPREP.

 Pacific Data Hub

Biomass energy potential in Tuvalu.

 Pacific Data Hub

Training report on the biogas plant construction in Tuvalu from April to May 2007. SOPAC carried out the construction of the bio digester plant in Tuvalu as part of the Alofa Tuvalu's renewable energy demonstration and training center project.

 Pacific Data Hub

Progress report on the Small Islands Beautiful Project - Tuvalu outer island biogas: Nanumea. Period covered by this report May 2010 - May 2012.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report describes the biogas project in Tuvalu and lessons learnt from the project.

 Pacific Data Hub

Promotional brochure on the Tuvalu biogas project.

 Pacific Data Hub

Towards a Brighter Future for All A Transformative Sector-Wide Programme

Energy is a fundamental enabler and catalyst for economic development and for enhancing the livelihoods and well-being of all Vanuatu citizens. This National Energy Road Map (“Road Map”) presents the Government of Vanuatu’s comprehensive action plan for developing the energy sector in a systematic, rational, and strategic and sustainable manner over the medium term, for the benefit of all its citizens nationwide.