15446 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Cook Islands Census 2011. Census of population and dwellings.Main Report.

 Pacific Data Hub

Terms of Reference for the Kiribati Integrated Energy Roadmap (KIER)

 Pacific Data Hub

Household electrical appliances, lights and end-use survey was undertaken in Funafuti during the period 8-28 August 2014. 434 households were surveyed covering 51.4% of all households in Funafuti. 

Report was prepared by Prepared by Thomas Lynge Jensen, Energy Programme Specialist, UNDP Pacific - Fiji Office

The household survey was funded by the Government of Australia via the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) through the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards (PALS) project with technical support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).  

 Pacific Data Hub

Summary record of meeting outcomes of the 5th Meeting of the Pacific Energy Advisory Group (PEAG) held 8 - 10th December 2014.

 Pacific Data Hub

Niue Customs Tariff (General Amendment) Regulations 2006.

 Pacific Data Hub

Niue Consumption Tax Act 2009 (No.296). This Act applies to supplies and imports made or after 1 April 2009.

 Pacific Data Hub

Customs Tariff Regulations 2009.

 Pacific Data Hub

Niue Customs Tariff Act 1982. Should be read together with and deemed part of the Customs Act 1966 of New Zealand in so far as the Principlal Act applies to Niue. An Act to empower the Cabinet of Ministers by regulation to modify the New Zeland Customs Tariff or to substitute a new Customs Tariff.

 Pacific Data Hub

Customs Tariff (Reduction and Elimination of Tariffs) Regulations 2007. Shall be read together with and deemed part of the Niue Customs Tariff (General Amendments) Regulations 1997.

 Pacific Data Hub

Price Control on Imported Goods for Resale in Niue Act 1975. To consolidate and amend the law relating to the control of prices on imported goods for resale in Niue.

 Pacific Data Hub

An Act to amend the Environment Act 2003.

 Pacific Data Hub

An Act to allow for the development of environmental policy and law, to establish an Environment Department and to provide enforcement powers to environment officers.

 Pacific Data Hub

Transport (Fees) Regulations 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

Niue Transport (Annual Licence Fees) Regulations 1991. Sets out the annual licence fees for motor vehicles. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Electric Power Supply Amendment Act 2008 - An Act to amend the Electric Power Supply Act 1960.

 Pacific Data Hub

Electric Power Supply Ordinance 1960 - An Ordinance to make provision for the control of electric installations, wiring and applicances (1 September 1960).

 Pacific Data Hub

To make provision for the control in Niue of the means of producing atomic energy and for that purpose to provide for the control of the mining and treatment of the ores of uranium and other elements which may be used for the production of atomic energy ,  and to provide for the vesting of such substances in the Crown.

 Pacific Data Hub

Republic of Nauru Government Gazette - 21st April 2011.

 Pacific Data Hub

Nauru Customs (Rates of Duty) (Amendment) Bill 2012. Series No.1 of 2012. An Act to amend the Customs (Rates of Duty) Act 2010.

 Pacific Data Hub

Customs (Rates of Duty) (Amendment) Act 2012. Act No.2 of 2012. An Act to amend the Customs (Rates of Duty) Act 2010.

Certified on 23 February 2012.