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 Pacific Data Hub

Alvina Erekali, the country program coordinator for UN Women in Solomon Islands, describes the Markets for Change initiative. She also shares challenges faced by women's organisations in Solomon Islands and her vision for the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development Program.

 Pacific Data Hub

Participants of a training run by the Centre for Demoncratic Institutions reflect on their experiences of contesting local government elections.

 Pacific Data Hub

Monica Paulus from the Women's Human Rights Defenders Network (WHRDN) Papua New Guinea works in one of the most isolated and challenging parts of the country. WHRDNprovides support to rural women escaping sorcery allegations and extreme instances of violence against women. Listen to Monica's vision for Pacific Women in the next 10 years.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women) is one of the largest global commitments to gender equality.
It connects more than 170 gender equality initiatives supported by Australia and implemented by over 160 partners across 14 Pacific Island countries. Providing technical, knowledge sharing and convening support to the portfolio of partners is Pacific Women’s Support Unit.

 Pacific Data Hub

This video provides an overview of Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development a regional gender equality program supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Island adolescent girls participating in the two-day preparatory workshop ahead of the Pacific Girl Regional Stakeholders’ Dialogue in May 2018 wrote a song together to express their feelings and experiences. It highlights challenges for Pacific girls, including teen pregnancy and cyberbullying, and encourages girls to believe in themselves to overcome any barriers.

 Pacific Data Hub

Adolescent girls in the Pacific face challenges because they are girls; and they can also be discriminated against for other reasons, such as having a disability or getting pregnant. In this short video, adolescent girls from the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu talk about the issues that are important to them – such as education and climate change, the challenges they face – such as violence in their homes and cyber bullying, and the strategies they believe will work to empower adolescent girls in the region.

 Pacific Data Hub

The following PDF document captures the quarterly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for the period 2020

 Pacific Data Hub

The following PDF document captures the quarterly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for the period 2019

 Pacific Data Hub

The following PDF document captures the quarterly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for the period 2018.

 Pacific Data Hub

The following PDF document captures the quarterly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for the period 2017.

 Pacific Data Hub

Herewith are analysed data in graphs showing the;

 Pacific Data Hub

Following captures noted announcement on tarriff adjustments effective 1st March 2019.

The graph below shows how Tonga Power Limited (TPL) was holding its tariff since 2017 to February 2019, whilst diesel fluctuates over the same period.


Source: Tonga Power Limited

 Pacific Data Hub

The dataset captures the existing and approved Electricity Tariff Rates set by the Commerce Commission. it showcase the existing tariff rate since 1st September 2009 and the new approved tariff rate effective 1st June 2010.

In this new schedule, you will note that:

- Households consuming 130 kWh will now pay 16.4% less.

For example, an household paying $30 in the past will now pay $25.08. We have 17343 households who will get a relief with reduction in their bill by 16.46%;

- The high end domestic users will now have to pay 8.82 cents more;

 Pacific Data Hub

The dataset captures the existing and approved Electricity Tariff Rates set by the Commerce Commission. it showcase the existing tariff rate since 1st September 2009 and the new approved tariff rate effective 1st June 2010.

In this new schedule, you will note that:

- Households consuming 130 kWh will now pay 16.4% less.

For example, an household paying $30 in the past will now pay $25.08. We have 17343 households who will get a relief with reduction in their bill by 16.46%;

- The high end domestic users will now have to pay 8.82 cents more;

 Pacific Data Hub

In 2018 a household electrical appliances and lights survey were undertaken in the urban areas of Palau, i.e. Koror and Airai. The survey covered 40 urban households that have received an energy efficiency loan from the National Development Bank of Palau (NDBP) and a control group of 442 urban households that have not received an energy efficiency loan from the NDBP. The control group constitutes around 11.4% of all urban households in the country (as per 2015 census results there is a total of 3884 urban households in Palau).

 Pacific Data Hub

Datasets captures the petroleum imported to Samoa for the period 2009 - 2013, It highlights the quantity and value (in Tala) for fuel and LPG for the last five years.


 Pacific Data Hub

Herewith the distribution of vehicles registerd in Fiji from 2001-2018. Registered vehicles on a yearly basis as at 31st December and quarterly basis from 2016 - 2018.

Vehicles registered are catergorised as:

- Private Cars

- Taxis

- Rental and Hire cars,

- Goods Vehicles - Light and heavy goods vehicles including vans, trucks, pick-ups, ambulances and fire engines

- Buses - Minibuses are also included

- Government vehicles

- Carriers and

 Pacific Data Hub

Herewith dataset for the Tariff Adjustment for Solomon Islands from Jan 2017 up till April 2019 for Domestic, Commercial and Industial tariff.

 Pacific Data Hub

Herewith Solomon Island Electricity Authority (SIEA) trading as Solomon Power Tarriffs  adjustments from 2017 - 2018. The Tarriff Charges are in accordance with The Electricity Act (Cap 128) and The Electricity Tarriff Regulation 2016.