15448 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Le rapport sur les résultats de la Communauté du Pacifique met en lumière les résultats obtenus par la CPS auprès de ses 26 pays et territoires membres, ainsi que de ses partenaires de développement. Cet ensemble de données fournit les données utilisées dans le rapport de résultats fourni aux formats Excel et CSV.

Ces données ont été visualisées dans le tableau de bord de l'explorateur de résultats : https://pacificdata.org/fr/explorateur-de-resultats

 Pacific Data Hub

The Pacific Community Results Report highlights the results achieved by SPC with our 26 Member countries and territories, and development partners. This dataset provides the data used in the Results Report provided in Excel and CSV formats.

This data has been visualised in the Results Explorer Dashboard:

 Pacific Data Hub

This selection includes data related to SPC member countries and territories for some of the indicators available in the original database published by the World Bank.

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 Pacific Data Hub

Schools in all Pacific Island Countries and Territories have been included in their respective Education Management Information Systems in 2015 by the Statistics for Development Division of SPC. This data can be used for applications such as disaster mitigation and optimise emergency response and service delivery.

 Pacific Data Hub

Based on the Samoa Maritime Zones Order 2017 which repealed the Maritime Zones Order 2014, the points to be used for
determining the outer limits of the territorial sea are 12 nautical miles from the baseline. The list of the coordinates are stated under the Samoa Maritime Zones Order 2017.

 Pacific Data Hub

The novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented crisis globally. Under the slowdown in economic activity due to the protective measures enacted by governments around the world, global GDP is expected to contract by 5.2 percent, with per capita incomes in most emerging and developing countries forecast to shrink; potentially pushing many millions into poverty and deepening deprivation. In Papua New Guinea, the socio-economic impacts of these measures are coumpeded by geographic dispersion and isolation, weak institutions and unequal access to services for vulnerable populations.

 Pacific Data Hub

Proportion of population in Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) living in Low Elevation Coastal Zones (LECZ) of 0-10 and 0-20 meters above sea level. LECZ were delineated using the bathub method overlaid on the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Global Digital Surface Model (AW3D30). Populations within the LECZs were estimated using the Pacific Community (SPC) Statistics for Development Division’s 100m2 population grids.

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 Pacific Data Hub

This table describes gender pay gap and is defined as the ratio of the gross earnings between women and men. The disaggregation variables are subject to data availability and where the numbers are lesser than 6, the disaggregation will be dropped.

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 Pacific Data Hub

This selection includes data related to SPC member countries and territories for some of the indicators available in the original database published by the IMF.

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 Pacific Data Hub

Contains available data on Blue Pacific 2050. Data is collated from a number of sources, including national household collections, civil registry data, education management information systems, health information systems, treasury papers, and published reports from countries and development partners.

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 Pacific Data Hub

The purpose of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) survey is to obtain information on the income, consumption pattern, incidence of poverty, and saving propensities for different groups of people in Kiribati. This information will be used to guide policy makers in framing socio-economic developmental policies and in initiating financial measures for improving economic conditions of the people.

 Pacific Data Hub

The primary purpose of this survey was to gather more accurate and detailed information on income and expenditure levels and flows in the Marshall Islands (MHL) and to update and revise the MHL Consumer Price Index (a separate series of publications document the CPI revision efforts).

Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and anonymized version of the Master file.

* Collection start: 2019
* Collection end: 2020

 Pacific Data Hub

The Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) is a field operation which consists of collecting information in the households based on face to face interview.

The questions asked to the households are related to living standard conditions, expenditures, purchases, incomes.... It is the only survey conducted at a national level which deals with households habits in terms of expenditure and income. As the private and public sector, households represent an economic and social actor of the country which needed to be known.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2021 Tonga HIES is the new update of this kind, after the 2015/2016, 2009 & 2001 versions. This survey aims to provide indicators on Household Living Standard using monetary aspect (amount of income and expenditure), non-monetary aspect (calory consumed, assets own, imputed rents…) and more social approach (education, health, food security status…).

 Pacific Data Hub

The main purpose of a HIES survey was to present high quality and representative national household data on income and expenditure in order to update Consumer Price Index (CPI), improve statistics on National Accounts and measure poverty within the country. These statistics are a requirement for evidence based policy-making in reducing poverty within the country and monitor progress in the national strategic plan "Te Kakeega 3".

 Pacific Data Hub

The National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) Baseline Survey 2019 is an expanded Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) and is inclusive of health educational, cultural, and productive dimensions previously uncollected or in need of updating. The results of this survey will inform directly more than 30 key indicators listed in the NSDP M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) Framework, as well as more than 40 of the listed indicators for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

 Pacific Data Hub

Durant la période juin 2005 mai 2006, le Service Territorial de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STSEE) de Wallis et Futuna a réalisé une enquête socio-économique visant à mieux appréhender les conditions de vie des ménages et déterminer la structure de leurs dépenses afin d'établir un indice des prix de détail à la consommation.

 Pacific Data Hub

“This report is based on data gathered by a PIREP team consisting of Sionetasi Pulehetoa, Bradley Punu and Herbert Wade”.

 Pacific Data Hub

“This report is based on data gathered by a PIREP team consisting of Gwendoline Sissiou, John Wilmot, John Vos and Peter Johnston”.

 Pacific Data Hub

Work is part of the SOPAC Regional assitance to the countries on wind advisory.