10 results

Materials used in capacity building workshop for climate data management in Palau


The Fisheries Bulletin is issued on a Weekly Basis. The objective of the Fisheries Bulletin is tohelp Fisheries stakeholders make informed decisions and mitigate risks associated withweather and climate variability. It includes tailored and focused information relevant tofisheries sector.


Materials used in capacity building workshop for climate data management in Palau


Information regarding ports in Palau


Establish networking of climate data management 


A comprehensive analysis of forest-related conditions, trends, threats, opportunities, priority areas and strategies with descriptions of the resources necessary


Establish networking of climate data management 


The Palau Ocean Bulletin was developed in order to provide information on Palau’scurrent and past ocean conditions as well as the current state of the ENSO, sea surfacetemperatures, sea level conditions as well as coral bleaching alerts, if any. This is sentwithin WSO Palau to be shared and posted on WSO Palau social media page. It issuggested to be shared within the National Emergency Committee on a monthly basis.


A five year strategic plan that entails the work of the Protected Areas Network covering a span of tasks from ridge to reef.  The strategic plan is reflected in the work of each PAN state in the workplans produced by state PAN Coordinators or managers that oversee the operations within all PAN sites.  Strategies regarding enforcement of marine protected areas and terrestrial PAN sites, state coordinator roles and responsibilities as well as the rangers duties and responsibilities are all incorporated into the plan.