8939 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Disparate GIS spatial data systems within Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC): a way forward, RESTRICTED

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical Note – Content Management Systems within Applied Geoscience and Geology Division – a case for moving to the Drupal platform (RESTRICTED)

 Pacific Data Hub

Country Reports on SOPAC Division Work Programme implementation 2010/2011 prepared for SOPAC-1 and CRGA 41, October-November 2011 (Available from SOPAC Division on request)

 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Chuuk State,  FSM

May 25, 2019 At the request of the (OECMA) Oneisom Environment Conservation Management Association, EPA Chuuk held a workshop on Solid Waste Management at Truk Stop Hotel today. Mayor of Oneisom Municiapality, Mr Enrino Paul, Director of OECMA, Ms Evelyn Paul along with a number of coordinators from different Municipal groups attended the workshop. Concepts of waste management focusing on 3Rs, Segregation of waste, policies and regulations and Proper Disposal of wastes were some of the topics of today's workshop.

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC Director's report against Business Plan 2007; Proposed 2008 SOPAC integrated corporate risk management plan; proposed Annual Business Plan 2008. [CONFIDENTIAL]

 Pacific Data Hub

Warning systems in national disaster management planning: a guide for planners and policy makers in Fiji. [RESTRICTED]

 Pacific Data Hub

Warning systems in national disaster management planning: a guide to warning systems for natural hazards in Guam. [RESTRICTED]

 Pacific Data Hub

Scoping the professional development requirements for disaster/risk management in the South Pacific. [RESTRICTED]

 Pacific Data Hub

Swath mapping of continental slope, southern Viti Levu, Fiji

 Pacific Data Hub

Disaster and risk management reports CD, Version 1.0, 1990-2000, report output of the SPDRP

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

An earthquake hazard map provides, at any location, the value of a ground motion intensity measure (for example, horizontal peak ground acceleration, PGA) that is expected to be exceeded at least once in 100 year mean return period. The earthquake hazard maps are developed by determining the simulated ground motion intensities at every gridded location for 10,000 realizations of next-year activity of earthquake events. At each grid location, the intensities are ranked and the ground motion intensity of the mean return period of interest is recorded.

 Pacific Data Hub

Commonwealth Secretariat/CFTC Expert Terminal Report June 1998-June 2001. [RESTRICTED]

 Pacific Data Hub

Map Sheet – geology of Valaga Bay (after P.J. Woodrow 1976), Savusavu, Vanua Levu, Fiji Islands (accompanies SOPAC Division Published Report 94) RESTRICTED

 Pacific Data Hub

Map Sheet – multibeam bathymetry Valaga Bay, Savusavu, Vanua Levu, Fiji Islands (accompanies SOPAC Division Published Report 94) RESTRICTED

 Pacific Data Hub

Multibeam bathymetric and seismic survey of Tovulailai Bay, Nairai, Fiji (RESTRICTED)

 Pacific Data Hub

Reservoir sedimentation at Monasavu hydro lake, central Viti Levu, Fiji (RESTRICTED)

 Pacific Data Hub

Literature and data review Suva Harbour - Rokobili Project (CONFIDENTIAL)

 Pacific Data Hub

Manihiki and Penrhyn atolls oceanographic monitoring buoys - monthly data report no.6, May 2004 (RESTRICTED)

 Pacific Data Hub

Manihiki and Penrhyn atolls oceanographic monitoring buoys - monthly data report no.5, April 2004 (RESTRICTED)

 Pacific Data Hub

Manihiki and Penrhyn atolls oceanographic monitoring buoys - monthly data report no.4, March 2004 (RESTRICTED)