GISRS-Pacific GIS/RS UserAccount Newsletter 1996-02
GISRS-Pacific GIS/RS UserAccount Newsletter 1994-06
GISRS-Pacific GIS/RS UserAccount Newsletter 1995-02
GISRS-Pacific GIS/RS UserAccount Newsletter 1994-04
GISRS-Pacific GIS/RS UserAccount Newsletter 1994-03
GISRS-Pacific GIS/RS UserAccount Newsletter 1995-01
GISRS-Pacific GIS/RS UserAccount Newsletter 1994-02
GISRS-Pacific GIS/RS UserAccount Newsletter 1995-03
Technical Note – Land cover change detection analysis 1969 to 2011, Aranuka Island, Republic of Kiribati
Trip report - Canada, 23-30 May 1991
Trip report - Kenya, 4 February - 14 March 1992
Gold potential at the Matepono River mouth and adjacent areas
Bathymetry and sediments of Ngatangiia harbour and muri lagoon, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Trip to SOPAC petroleum data bank and AGSO (BMR), Canberra, August 1992
Trip report to digital exploration Ltd (UK) and Canada, December 92 to February 93
Courses in petroleum geology and geophysics at the University of Papua New Guinea and the Department of Minerals and Energy, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, August 1993
A petroleum licensing area and a quadrant and block survey numbering system for Vanuatu, August 1993
A petroleum licensing area and a quadrant and block survey numbering system for Vanuatu, August 1993
A petroleum licensing area and a quadrant and block survey numbering system for Solomon Islands, August 1993
SOPAC water and sanitation, February 2000, volume 3, issue 1