This dataset depicts Bumbu River flood warning dataset obtained at CIS, LAE, Morobe Province
In Papua New Guinea, interviews were conducted remotely with participants from government departments, agencies and contractors addressing issues of environmental protection, waste management, legal matters, as well as the private sector and NGOs.
Additional interviews were conducted with external consultants and SPREP staff working on specific programs relevant to the Waste Legislative Review.
This report provides a snapshot of waste audit generation and composition across the business and household waste streams for six locations within PNG. The study conducted audits in Port Moresby and Roku Village in the Central Province, received data from audits conducted in Lae and Alotau, and sourced historical data from audits conducted in Kokopo (2018) and Goroka (2019)
UN Sustainable Development Goal
Health Policy
The result of the 2017 survey of businesses in PNG
Papua New Guinea’s is now in its 15th successive year of positive economic growth, with rates rising progressively until 2011, but declining since then, apart from the leap in 2014/15 associated with the commencement of production from PNGLNG.
This report is published under the auspices of the Nauru Government, with the support of the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF). The Nauru Integrated Infrastructure Strategic Plan was endorsed and adopted by the Nauruan Cabinet on 27 November 2019 as a guide to public infrastructure investment planning and budgeting.
Project Administration Manual (Report)
Census Report - 217 pages.
User manuals and quick start guides for using the Republic of Marshall Islands Environment data portal.
Dataset for all published SOEs (State of the Environment) reports for the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands Census
Environmental Protection Authority. Coastal Water Quality Report
RMI's Solid Waste Management Reports
Baseline Study for the Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Project – Healthcare Waste, RMI.
Republic of the Marshall Islands. “Millennium Development Goals Progress Report “. 2009.
RMI's Infrastructure Survey Reports
Rural and urban population 1990 - 2017, FAOSTAT (website: