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 Pacific Data Hub

Quantification of Energy Efficiency in the Utilities of the US Affiliate States (Excluding US Virgin Islands) -  Marshalls Energy Company, Majuro, Marshall Islands. 

KEMA was asked by the Pacific Power Association (PPA) to conduct an energy efficiency study titled: “Quantification of Energy Efficiency in the Utilities of the U.S. Affiliate States (excluding US Virgin Islands)” for the 10 Northern Pacific Island Utilities . Attached in this recors are 2 relating reports:

 Pacific Data Hub

Quantification of Energy Efficiency in the Utilities of the US Affiliate States (Excluding US Virgin Islands) - Kosrae Utility Authority (KUA). 

KEMA was asked by the Pacific Power Association (PPA) to conduct an energy efficiency study titled: “Quantification of Energy Eff iciency in the Utilities of the U.S. Affiliate States (excluding US Virgin Islands)” for 10 Northern Pacific Island Utilities. Attached in this record are 2 reports:

 Pacific Data Hub

KEMA was contracted by the Pacific Power Association (PPA) to conduct an energy efficiency study titled: “Quantification of Energy Efficiency in the Utilities in South Pacific Utilities” for 10 Southern Pacific island utilities. Attached in this record are 2 reports:

  1. FEA Final Report - summarizes study results for FEA
  2. FEA Data Handbook - system data addendum.

Report was sourced from the PPA Website at the following link - http://www.ppa.org.fj/publication-report/

 Pacific Data Hub

KEMA at the request of the Pacific Power Association (PPA) conducted an energy efficiency study titled: “Quantification of Energy Efficiency in the Utilities in South Pacific Utilities” for 10 Southern Pacific Island Utilities. Attached in this record are 2 reports:

 Pacific Data Hub

KEMA at the request of the Pacific Power Association (PPA) conducted an energy efficiency study titled: “Quantification of Energy Efficiency in the Utilities in South Pacific Utilities” for 10 Southern Pacific Island Utilities. Attached in this record are 2 NUC reports:

 Pacific Data Hub

KEMA Inc has been awarded by the Pacific Pow er Association (PPA) in Fiji to ca rry out a project called “Quantification of Energy Efficiency in the Utilities of the U.S. Affiliate States (Excluding US Virgin Islands)”. Attached in this record are 2 reports:

  1. YSPSC Final Report 
  2. YSPSC Data Handbook - contains electrical characteristics of the power system high voltage equipment in YSPSC.

Report was sourced from the PPA Website at the following link - http://www.ppa.org.fj/publication-report/

 Pacific Data Hub

KEMA at the request of the Pacific Power Association (PPA) conducted an energy efficiency study titled: “Quantification of Energy Efficiency in the Utilities in South Pacific Utilities” for 10 Southern Pacific island utilities. Attached in this record are 2 reports:

 Pacific Data Hub

Chapter 12 - The Utility Authority. This chapter describes the establishment of Kosrae Utilities Authority; responbilities, duties and powers of the Authority; legal characteristics; composition of the Board; accounting & reporting etc. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Chapter 2 - Sales Tax. Except for goods made or produced in the State a sales tax attaches to goods upon their first sale in the State. The seller pays the tax on all goods in a shipment no later than 120 days after arrival in the State. The State has the power to hold the release of future shipments if the seller is not current on taxes due under the Code and applicable Regulations.

Amended by State Law 7-94. Rates applied on various goods is given in the document.

 Pacific Data Hub

A Bill for an Act. 16th Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia, 3rd Regular Session 2010.

To appropriate the National Government’s share of $400,000 from the 200,000,000 yen financial grant (or equivalent in US dollars) from theGovernment of Japan for fuel consumption for the public utilities corporations in the states of Chuuk and Pohnpei, and the College of Micronesia-FSM, Chuuk campus, and for other purposes. Sum appropriated is given in the document.

 Pacific Data Hub

A Bill for an Act. 18th Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia. 1st Regular Session 2013.

To appropriate the sum of $2,000,000 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, to loan to the Pohnpei Utilities Corporation, and for other purposes.

 Pacific Data Hub

A Resolution. 17th Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia. 2nd Regular Session 2011.

Approving the €14,440,000, and €630,000 financial grants to the Federated States of Micronesia, and all the terms and conditions of said grants, from the European Commission for the Economic Development Fund 10, specifically, the North Renewable Energy Project and Technical Cooperation Facility.

 Pacific Data Hub

A Resolution. 17th Congress of the Federated States of Miconesia. 6th Regular Session 2013.

Approving and accepting a foreign financial assistance in the amount of $550,000 from the Asian Development Bank, to support the Strengthening the Energy Sector Regulatory Framework of the Federated States of Micronesia, including all the terms and conditions of the assistance.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures series of monthly price review documents from 2014. These price reviews are prepared by SPC Petroleum Advisory Service. Reviews are based on analysis of daily Mean of Platts Singapore (MOPS) and also includes benchmark Saudi Aramco LPG prices (sourced from Gas Energy Australia).

Keywords: petroleum, fuel price, review, Platts, Singapore

 Pacific Data Hub

Barbados Declaration outlining the various commitments by Governments at the Ministerial Conference on "Achieving Sustainable Energy for All in SIDS - Challenges, Opportunities, Commitments" in Barbados 7-8 May 2012. Contains listing of voluntary commitments by SIDS in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy access and low carbon development.

 Pacific Data Hub

This rapid assessment and gap analysis report outlines the current situation in Fiji with regards to the SE4ALL goals and the challenges and opportunities for achieving this goals. Report has attachments on pysical extension of FEA grid in Viti Levu, hydro potential in the main island, geothermal potential in the main islands and supply and demand model SE4ALL Targets.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report provides a summary of project activities during the first 6 months of Year 1. This report is formatted to include a section on Global Project Setup and Management.

 Pacific Data Hub

Renewables Readiness Assessment of the Marshall Islands produced by IRENA.The RRA study identified challenges to be addressed to scale up renewable energy in RMI. Recommended actions communicated to RMI Government and development partners. This recommended actions were converted into practical projects and 5 activities have been drafted. This activities are intended to be reviewed by the RMI MRD Energy Planning Division and using any necessary external support develop the project concepts into full project proposals to be submitted to development partners for funding.

 Pacific Data Hub

Manual prepared by the SPC Energy Programme to inform and support work of PICTs officials that regulate or monitor the price of fuel in their respective jurisdictions. To demonstrate how the cost of Pacific Island fuels can be better understood by referring to its various components which are both internationally and locally influenced.