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 Pacific Data Hub

Report prepared for SOPAC (SPC - Geoscience Division) and United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). Prepared by International Insititute for Energy Conservation (IIEC). This guidebook is a published with a view to promoting demand side management (DSM) in the region by providing a methodology in the form of series of phases and offers options that will contribute to and assist in developing and implementing DSM programmes. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Demand side management (DSM) programme design report for the Electric Power Corporation (EPC). This report is the result of a DSM training workshop held in Apia, Samoa. The report presents the outcomes of discussions and 2 energy audits conducted during the training. It also outline the DSM project options for implementation by EPC.

 Pacific Data Hub

This document addresses  one of the activities under Output 2  of the PEEP2 Project  –  Development of Energy Efficiency Policies and Procedures, which aims to establish energy efficiency best practices for the  hospitality  sector,  including  a  recommendation  to  adopt  a  green  hotels  rating  scheme  in  the PDMCs. To this end, the PEEP2 team has undertaken  a study of green hotels ratings schemes, in order to  recommend  one  such  rating  scheme  for  adoption.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Street Lighting in the Pacific were designed in accordance with the specific needs and requirements of the PDMCs, which have limited resources due to their geographical placement. The utilities, public and private sectors have limited experience in developing and implementing energy efficiency projects capable of making considerable impact in the region.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Hotels in the Pacific were developed as a part of PEEP2 in order to provide practical guidance on how hotels and hotel staff could achieve considerable costs savings and improve environmental performance while retaining or improving existing comfort levels for guests.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared to outline initial baseline data on energy use in the five countries based on the Output 1 activities (data compilations and initial surveys) undertaken in each country from January to September 2012. Output 1 being stakeholder access to comprehesive information on energy use.

 Pacific Data Hub

This Report includes a compilation and summary of surveys designed under PEEP2 to gather further energy related data from residential, commercial and public buildings for all PDMCs covered under the PEEP2 project.

 Pacific Data Hub

Vanuatu Country Presentation in 2015: Impacts of Implemented Energy Efficiency Projects (PEEP2)

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa Country Presentation on the PEEP 2 Project.

 Pacific Data Hub

PNG Country Presentation.

 Pacific Data Hub

In October/ November of 2010, Tonga Power Limited (TPL) carried out with the aid of the ADB a pilot project investigating the viability of using more efficient LED streetlights compared to High Pressure Sodium (HPS) streetlights. This document will cover the performance of the project after 7 months, looking at the performance of the streetlights in terms of energy savings.

keywords: Tonga, IIEC, PEEP2, PEEP 2, energy efficiency, LED

 Pacific Data Hub

Presentation on the overview of the PEEP2 Project. Prepared by David Morgado with Peter Johnston for the PALS Project Steering Committee Meeting & Lighting Workshop in May 2014. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Presentation on Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Pacific Phase 2 (PEEP2). Presentation at the Pacific Power Association, 21st Annual Conference held in Vanuatu in 2012. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Presentation - Energy Efficiency in PIC Government Complexes: Palau and Fiji by Peter Johnston. Presentation made at the PPA 21st Annual Conference in Vanuatu, 2012.

 Pacific Data Hub

Presentation by Dilip R. Limaye of the IIEC at the PPA 21st Annual Conference and 6th Engineer's Workshop in Port Vila, Vanuatu 2012. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Presentation on Retrofit Programs in Public Buildings: Case Studies from Lao PDR and the Philippines. Presentation at the PPA 21st Annual Conference in Port Vila, Vanuatu 2012. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Volume 5 - Energy Resources Inventory of the Fiji Islands. Inventory on:

  • Solar energy source
  • Hydro energy source
  • Wind energy source
  • Biomass energy source

Volume 5 Energy Resources Inventory

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on Feasibility of Resources and Sites for Waste-to-Energy Power Generation in Fiji.

keywords: resource, waste, biomass, Fiji