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 Pacific Data Hub

Installation and commissioning report of wind mast at Wotje, RMI.

keywords: Wotje, wind, resource monitoring, RMI

 Pacific Data Hub

Site Information: 

  • Location - NIHS Campus. Elevation - 5.
  • Time - 9/20/2012 to 4/10/2013
  • Summary Report: Site 8207 Wotje
  • Data captures hourly averages of wind speed recorded at Wotje, Site 8207 in Marshall Islands.
  • Data was generated on April 15 2013.
 Pacific Data Hub

The European Union funded a five country renewable energy and energy efficiency programme “Support to the Energy Sector in 5 ACP Pacific Islands” (REP-5). The programme countries are the Federated States ofMicronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. In Niue it is proposed to feed wind power into the electricity grid. Garrad Hassan Pacific Pty Ltd have been commissioned by the Programme Manager of the REP-5 project to report on preferred options for integration of wind power into the Niue electricity grid.

 Pacific Data Hub

The paper presents an overview of the wind resource assessments carried out in Tonga Islands in the South Pacific region. The assessment was carried out in the mainland Tongatapu. The mean wind speed at 34m AGL of the Tongatapu site is analyzed as 4.5m/s and 4.54 m/s, respectively and the mean speed at 20m AGL is analyzed to be 3.63m/s and 3.45m/s respectively. The prevailing wind direction recorded for both the NRG 34m towers is south-east, which corresponds to the south-east trade winds. The WAsP analysis indicates a low wind speed regime.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Forum for Energy and Development (FED) of Denmark prepared a proposal for a Pacific-Danish Environmental Education and Action Program directed towards the South Pacific Region. The Danish Government financed the Feasibility Study with particular focus on the wind energy component of Phase 1. From 30 May to 21 June 1997, a Feasibility Team visited the South Pacific Region. Around this same time, the South Pacific Forum Secretariat Energy Division was transferred to a new Energy Unit under the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC).

 Pacific Data Hub

Report published under the PIEPSAP Project via the collaboration of SOPAC, UNDP, European Union and the Government of Denmark. 

This report is based on two documents: The Project Proposal for Grid Connected Wind Power on Rarotonga presented by UNDP Samoa in March 2002 and the Evaluation ofGrid-Connected Wind Electric Power Project Proposals for Rarotonga, Cook Islands, by Chris Cheatham and Gerhard Zieroth commissioned by UNESCAP Bangkok, August 2002. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This study was undertaken in 1985 - 1986 to develop baseline wind, sea, current data for the lagoon area and in particular as they relate to the shore of the western side of Fongafale, a major cultural center in Tuvalu. Report prepared as a joint contribution by SPREP and UNDP for SOPAC.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Implementation Plan for Energy Security in the Pacific (IPESP) is a five year (2011 - 2015) plan for pursuing the vision, goal and outcomes of the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP).

 Pacific Data Hub

This is the final report for a 2 year study to measure the wind and solar radiation resource on this 5 countries: The 5 countries were:

  1. Cook Islands (Ngatangiia on Rarotonga),
  2. Fiji (Vunatovau on Viti Levu),
  3. Niue (Hakupu),
  4. Tonga (Tungi Estate on Tongatapu) and
  5. Vanuatu (White Sands on Efate).
 Pacific Data Hub

Palau signed into law on Friday, February 5th 2015 the Palau Energy Act. An Act to amend Title 37 of the Palau National Code to establish an Energy Administration and provide a regulatory framework for the energy sector and for other related purposes. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This document sets out the national policy and strategies for the energy sector that are aligned to the legislative reforms in tandem with Papua New Guinea’s Vision 2050. To transform Papua New Guinea into a globally competitive, newly industrialized, with middle income status and a prosperous country, it needs low cost energy. This will be the impetus for industrialization.

 Pacific Data Hub

This is a publication of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The NEPAP was prepared by the Energy Planning Division of the Ministry of Resources and Development with the technical assistance from the Energy Programme of the Economic Development Division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. The policy review and national consultations were financially supported by the Australian Government, the SPC/EU North Pacific ACP Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Project (North-REP) and the EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF).

 Pacific Data Hub

First & Second National Communication of the RMI.

 Pacific Data Hub

The current revision presents, in annex IV, the final list of proposed Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)indicators for consideration by the Statistical Commission. The list of indicators in annex III to the present report contains the proposed global indicators that have been agreed by the Expert Group. Some indicators are marked with an asterisk, indicating that at the time of the submission of this report further work was required to better understand the existing proposals and reach consensus.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Micronesian Energy Association would like to report on CNMI’s renewable energy efforts, Guam Energy Task Force, RMI activities and update on Green Energy Micronesia initiative . This report is intended to update the process on CNMI with integrate renewable energy and existing power system. The information presented can be used as a template for regional islands to adopt renewable energy as part of the INDCs (Intended National Determined Contributions) effort to reduce the utilization of fossil fuel.

 Pacific Data Hub

Micronesian Energy Association report to the 21st Micronesian Chief Executives Summit on February 2016.

 Pacific Data Hub

These Regulations may be cited as The Emergency Powers (Fuel Control) Regulations 1974.

 Pacific Data Hub

These regulations maybe cited as the Dangerous Goods Regulations 1985. Came into force on the 23rd of December 1985.

 Pacific Data Hub

An Act to enact a new title 27 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia to govern essential services and to enact a new chapter 2 thereof to create the Federated States of Micronesia Petroleum Corporation as a public corporation, and for other purposes.