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 Pacific Data Hub

Media release issued by the Tonga Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications (MEIDECC) on the joint SPC-APEC regional workshop in Tonga.

 Pacific Data Hub

The purpose of this report is to set out the detailed methodology and an implementation plan for the RAKAHANGA, MANIHIKI AND PUKAPUKA ISLANDS RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECT. In preparing this report, CAT Projects has relied upon and presumed accurate, certain assumptions relative to the availability of information (or absence thereof) and levels of cooperation provided by the GoCI(Goverment of Cook Islands) and Island Administrations. Except as otherwise stated in the report, CAT Projects has not attempted to verify the accuracy or completeness of any such assumptions.

 Pacific Data Hub

PREA 1992 Report on the Cook Islands issues and options in the energy sector. Published by the World Bank in cooperation with the UNDP/ESCAP Pacific Energy Development Programme and the Asian Development Bank.

 Pacific Data Hub

Increasing recognition of the changes in the natural environment as a result of human interference has lead to the international community agreeing on a number of multi-lateral environmental agreements (MEAs). This report is divided into four major parts:

• Overview and Background

• Thematic Profile for Climate Change

• Thematic Profile for Biological Diversity

• Thematic Profile for Land Degradation

 Pacific Data Hub

Sustainable Energy Action Plan of the Cook Islands.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Government of the Cook Islands commissioned a power study for Aitutaki. This report covering the environmental issues is a component of the study. The study comprises a Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment of the power upgrade recommendations of the main study and includes an environmental review of the current power operations as an essential component of any power upgrade study, so that. environmental requirements and costs can be integrated into the overall power upgrade plan.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report prepared for Cook Islands Government by Ouro Preto International, Australia. Review of fuel distribution and pricing system in the Cook Islands. Petroleum based fuel is currently supplied into Cook Islands by three multi-national oil companies (MNOCs) into three bulk fuel terminals on Rarotonga. Even though there are three fuel terminals and more than three fuel suppliers to Cook Islands, there is very limited competition. As mentioned above, what competition there is often has the effect of driving fuel prices up instead of down. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report presents the findings of a feasibility study of an Energy Storage for Rarotonga. The report was developed by DNV KEMA for Te Aponga Uira (TAU) to assess the need and feasibility for storage for the Island of Rarotonga under selected future generation scenarios. The Cook Islands enjoyed a high level of electrification. However, the energy supply has been heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels, exposing the Cook Islands to the risks of energy security and international oil price volatility.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report is prepared by Hydro-Electric Corporation. The report is an Inception Report of the Project Owner’s Engineer (POE), Entura, for the Cook Islands Renewable Energy Sector Project. The report details the POE’s findings on the status of the project, and presents a detailed plan for implementation.

 Pacific Data Hub

This survey report was prepared by Thomas Lynge Jensen, UNDP Pacific Centre for the Government of Cook Islands. The energy survey component can be such an important project design tool; one of the methods used to determine the size of an electrification project is to carry out a needs survey of the prospective recipients of the project. The survey was carried out over three days. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Bruce Clay for the Government of the Cook Islands. This report investigates the current power system on Rakahanga and considers short, medium and long-term options for the development of the system to include local renewable energy sources. In the short term a wind and solar monitoring programme should be initiated to quantify the local renewable energy resource. This could be carried out on Manihiki as the results derived would be applicable to both islands.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report presents the findings of a feasibility study of a Waste to Energy Plant for Rarotonga. The report was developed by DNV KEMA for Te Aponga Uira (TAU) to assess the need and feasibility for a Waste to Energy plant for the Island of Rarotonga. The assignment is to scope and undertake research work of available sources of waste being generated from Rarotonga and components of producing energy from waste connected and operating in synch with the TAU power network. The Cook Islands enjoyed a high level of electrification.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the International Institute for Energy Conservation- ASIA (IIEC Asia) for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP). The report and research were conducted by Mr. Sommai Phon-Amnuaisuk and Mr. David Morgado from the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC). It was prepared for the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) with overall guidance from Mr. Tom Thorsch Krader. The objective of this study is to analyse the characteristics of major appliance and lighting products and markets in the Cook Islands.

 Pacific Data Hub

The report was for Te Aponga Uira (TAU) and it was funded by The South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). The preliminary investigation has been undertaken for the establishment of a wind farm at the proposed Kiikii site including a topographical survey of the general area. Report on the viability of constructing turbine platforms and an access road for a wind farm at the proposed Kiikii location.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC). This report aims to give an overview of the performance of the wind energy system on Mangaia and to provide a snapshot on the current state of affairs as of May 2007. It concludes with recommendations on how the system can be further improved. The wind energy project on Mangaia was the first of its kind in the Pacific, especially considering its remoteness and the small size of the system.

 Pacific Data Hub

The report was prepared by Bruce Clay for the Government of the Cook Islands. This power study has been executed by the Energy Division, Ministry of Works, Government of Cook Islands to asses the current power status on Manihiki, provide a power sector plan and investigate the feasibility of supplementing and in the long term replacing the present diesel generation system with local renewable energy.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the Gerhard Zieroth for the Cook Islands Second National Communication Project, National Environment Service of the Cook Islands. The objective of this report is to prepare detailed, yet concise, recommendations on mitigation activities and technology needs in the Cook Islands. Climate change magnifies the difficulty of the development challenge in a highly interdependent world where growing concerns about food security, water scarcity, and energy security go hand in hand with difficult issues of economic inequality, political power, and social justice.

 Pacific Data Hub

Volume 3: Institutional Analysis & Preventive Capacity Development. Asian Development Bank, Component 2: Preventative Insfrastructure Master Plan.

 Pacific Data Hub

This study was funded by the France- Australian PREFACE programme for the promotion and dissemination of renewable energy projects, whose experts are used to eventually search international funding.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was developed by DNV KEMA for Te Aponga Uira (TAU) to assess the economics of renewable energy scenarios for Rarotonga. This report provides an economic viability study of possible renewable energy options for the Island of Rarotonga. The economic viability study was based on a comprehensive benefit cost analysis of future renewable energy future for six scenarios. In July 2011, the Prime Minister, Hon. Henry Puna announced the Cook Islands Government’s ambitious renewable energy targets: to achieve 50% electricity supply by renewable energy by 2015 and 100% by 2020.