83665 results
 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Gerhard Zieroth. This document contains a brief feasibility analysis of using solar pumps in a water supply project on Mauke Island. This report was produced under the PIEPSAP project.

 Pacific Data Hub

The report was prepared by The Economic and Energy Analysis Pty Ltd for the Cook Islands. The Cook Island Government sought to examine the alternative methods of price control and operating methodologies used in the Pacific region. Following visits to Tahiti and Samoa in 2007 by representatives from the Cook Island Ministry of Finance, Economic and Energy Analysis Pty Ltd (EEA) were asked to provide assistance and to provide a review of the Cook Island Fuel Supply Chain and specifically to complete:

 Pacific Data Hub

This report is prepared by the UNDP/GEF Economic Issues Consultant (EIC) and represents one of several reporting outputs under a UNDP/GEF funded project to promote the sustainability of Renewable Energy Service Companies (RESCOs) in Fiji.  The main theme running through the recommendations promotes the need for RESCOs to operate in a commercial manner allowing a combination of market mechanisms and competition between RESCOs to set market prices and overall standards of customer service.

 Pacific Data Hub

This activity has been undertaken by the Economic Issues Consultant (EIC).  The aim is to assess local (Fiji) sources of commercial finance for Renewable Energy Service Companies (RESCOs) and potential sources of budgetary support from other government ministries and departments.  In association, compile a database of international sources of finance for Renewable Energy Service Companies (RESCOs) and sources of financial (grant-commercial loans) to support the Department of Energy (DoE) to procure equipment under their SHS implementation program.  The database should ideally include commer

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Herbert Wade for the Office of the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies within the Fiji Department of Energy.

 Pacific Data Hub

This is a funding directory for renewable energy, both bilateral and multilateral donor funds.

 Pacific Data Hub

Article is published in the Renewable Energy International Journal regarding the rural SHS electrification programs being implemented in Fiji. The Fiji solar home system (SHS) programme providess electricity, primarily for lighting, for remote households located in the rural areas where supplying electricity via the grid is not feasible.

 Pacific Data Hub

Article by Dr. Anirudh Singh of the University of the South Pacific in Fiji.

 Pacific Data Hub

This short report was prepared by Hebert Wade for OPRET under the Fiji Department of Energy. A Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) is a relatively simple business since it has a narrow focus and a clearly defined scope. But creating a business plan for even a simple business is time consuming and a lot of work. The most important reason, is that making a business plan forces you to determine, closely examine and understand the important questions concerning the proposed business. Creating a business plan helps to bring the benefits and problems of the proposed business into focus.

 Pacific Data Hub

This project was prepared by John E. Hay of John E. Hay and Associates Ltd, New Zealand for the Fiji Department of Energy, Ministry of Works and Energy and Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA). This report represents an analysis of current and possible future climate related risks facing the Fiji Islands. The risk assesment is based on observed climate data for Nadi, sea-level data for Lautoka and global cilmate model (GCM) projections for a grid cell that covers much of Viti Levu. The intergrated findings are presented in the form of a climate risk profile (CRP).

 Pacific Data Hub

This final report was prepared by the Economic Consulting Associates Limited with the inputs from the National Energy Policy Review Advisory Committee.The energy policy review process was supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Technical Cooperation) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) through the Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region (CCCPIR) programme, and by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Pacific Centre.

 Pacific Data Hub

This study has been carried out within the framework of the Minor Field Studies Scholarship Programme, MFS, which is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. This master thesis has been carried out as a Minor Field Study in Fiji. The purpose of the report is to present suggestions on how to improve the electricity situation in a Fijian rural village. The survey consisted of 43 questions mainly regarding the energy usage in the village.

 Pacific Data Hub

This is one of the series of reports of the Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Assessment Program. The work was carried out by the World Bank. This is a restricted distribution. Its contents may not be disclosed without authorization from the Government, the UNDP or the World Bank. Fiji's performance in the energy sector has been remarkably good during the past ten years. The report recommends a new approach to procure petroleum supplies and outlines technical assistance programs for institutions, rural electrification study, and oil and gas exploration.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report is based on the findings of an energy assessment mission, which visited Fiji in February 1991.PREA 1992 report funded by the World Bank in cooperation with the UNDP/ESCAP Pacific Energy Development Programme and the Asian Development Bank.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Peter Johnston with the assistant of Eric Esler and the report was prepared for Greenpeace Pacific in 2000.

 Pacific Data Hub

On 6th July 2009 SMEC International Pty Ltd, Australia (SMEC, the Consultant) was engaged by the Department of Energy (DOE, the client) of the Government of the Republic of Fiji to provide consultancy services to Fiji’s National Energy Security Situation Project (the Project).  The Terms of Reference of the Project is included in Appendix A of this report. Fiji’s National Energy Security Situation Project is being implemented under the umbrella of DOE’s work programs as part of the energy security strategic area towards DOE’s vision of a sustainable energy sector in Fiji.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Project is supported by allocations from the Global Environment Facility via UNDP (US$740,000), the Fiji Department of Energy (DOE, about $110,000), and Japan ($600,000). The contribution from Japan represents the value of renewable energy equipment installed for demonstration purposes at the hybrid mini-grid government station at Nabouwalu in Vanua Levu, which was to serve as a focal point for demonstrating technology and RESCO operations under the Project. The Mid Term Review of the Project was conducted over approximately two weeks in March 2003.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Government of Fiji (Fiji Department of Energy) Solar Home Lighting Systems (SHS) project utilizes solar photovoltaic technology for the provision of electricity to the rural sector. It is an expansion to the current RESCO project being implemented in that the number of solar home systems installed and maintained by government at an affordable service fee has increased from 1371 to 5800.

 Pacific Data Hub

A case study by the Government of Tonga, SPC, GIZ as part of the regional programme Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region (CCCPIR). Case study on the outer islands solar electrification in Tonga.