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 Pacific Data Hub

Awareness article covering energy efficiency initiatives in Palau showcasing energy efficient homes.  To build the new homes, IUCN works with the National Development Bank of Palau (NDBP) through an innovative financing scheme called the Energy Efficiency Subsidy Programme (EESP), which allows the people of Palau to own a new energy efficient home. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the oil & gas task force. The first petroleum exploration license was signed in 1977. Since then, there has been continued interest in exploring Palau’s territorial waters for the potential of oil and gas. Although limited, petroleum exploration interests have been persistent over the years. Currently, one company has existing petroleum licenses with the States of Kayangel, Hatahobei, and Anguar respectively. However, to date, no exploratory drilling has occurred.

 Pacific Data Hub

IUCN helped to lower fuel consumption in the main urban centres in the Republic of Marshall Islands simply by changing light bulbs.

 Pacific Data Hub

World Bank-funded report under the PREA project. This report is based on the findings of a mission which visited the Republic of Palau from February 15 through February 23, 1991 visiting five of the sixteen states (Koror, Airai, Aimeliik, Peleliu and Ngiwal) as part of the joint World Bank, PEDP, ADB, and FSED Pacific Regional Energy Assessment

 Pacific Data Hub

In Samoa IUCN is helping the land transport sector, the nation’s largest consumer of imported petroleum, to reduce its consumption rate by drawing people's attention towards the value of energy efficient vehicles.

 Pacific Data Hub

Palau case study, prepared by Mr Peter Johnston, 15 November 2008. A note for ADB Pacific Department on energy sector investments in PDMCs.

 Pacific Data Hub

In Tonga IUCN worked with the government and provided essential lighting to more than 100 homes in three remote islands in the Ha’apai group.

 Pacific Data Hub

In the second biggest secondary school in Tuvalu, IUCN helped provide a better learning environment for 500 students and teachers by enabling continuous power supply through solar.

 Pacific Data Hub

IUCN is helping the island nation of Vanuatu to utilize renewable energy sources to provide modern energy services and improve health and education services in outer island communities.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report prepared by ReExCapitalAsia in collaboration with Dr Herbert Wade, an international energy specialist. Capacity assessment and development program, preparatory phase consultancy for the establishment of a renewable energy fund window (REFW) at the National Development Bank of Palau (NDBP). Report submitted to Palau Energy Office and UNDP. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Herbert Wade. This report describes the proposed operating framework of the REFW and provides recommendations regarding the guidelines, criteria and processes needed, as well as an overview on the issues surrounding the management and implementation of the REFW. REFW is planned to be a consumer lending facility, the focus of the review was to draw learning points and Best Practices from RE consumer finance schemes, and especially those in other SIDS.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report prepared by ReExCapitalAsia in collaboration with Dr Herbert Wade, an international energy specialist. Report is for the preparatory phase consultancy for the establishment of a Renewable Energy Fund Window (REFW) at the National Development Bank of Palau (NDBP). Submitted to Palau Energy Office and the UNDP.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the Palau Public Utilities Corporation. The purpose of this Electric rate study is to provide the PPUC staff, Board, government and the citizens of Palau the critical information required to set a current and long-term rate policy that will recover sufficient revenues to fund operating and capital obligations while minimizing the impact on the ratepayers.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Herbert Wade, Philippe McCracken and Peter Johnston. Palau is the westernmost Micronesian country, 800 km east of the southern Philippines. Eighty percent of its approximately 21,000 inhabitants live in or around the largest urban center, Koror. Nearly all households and businesses in Palau are connected to the public electricity grid, resulting in an electrification rate that is close to 100%.

 Pacific Data Hub

November 5, 2010 (IUCN) – The remote village of Nahu, located in West Areare - deep in the province of Malaita in the Solomon Islands - is still in jovial celebration following the commissioning of solar lights installed in all 39 homes in the small village on Tuesday 2nd November 2010.

 Pacific Data Hub

The solar lights pilot project in Tavua was set up by CBS Power Solutions with joint funding provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Ministry of Local Government Urban Development, Housing and Environment.

The project cost $25,320.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Ridgeway Capital Projects Limited and Empower Consultant Limited for the Palau Energy Office as the implementing partner for The United Nations Development Program. With 99.3% of its electricity being produced from diesel based generation, Palau is exposed to the risk of volatile and rising electricity prices. As fuel costs comprise almost two thirds of all operating expenses, any rise in the price of diesel has a consequent impact on required tariffs. There are a number of alternatives to diesel generation of electricity for Palau.