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 Pacific Data Hub

Address from the Team Leader of the European Union Pacific Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project.

Year 2 started on a positive note with the signing of the Finance Agreement between USP and SPC and the full recruitment of all project staff in August, 2015.

In addition, under the Global Project Management component, a total of 6 internships were offered over the course of year 2. The internships comprised 3-month attachments with time shared between USP and SPC.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report is a publication of the Pacific Power Association (PPA). The report is based upon the 2013/2014 fiscal reporting year relevant to each utility. Presents the results of the fourth successive annual assessment of Pacific electricity utility performance since 2011. Report prepared by PPA with technical support from the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF).

 Pacific Data Hub

A household electrical appliances, lights and end-use survey was undertaken in South Tarawa during the period 19-30 July and in Kiritimati Island during the period 8-19 September 2016. In South Tarawa a total of 819 households were surveyed, which is 10.4% of all households in South Tarawa. In Kiritimati Island a total of 164 households were surveyed, which is 16.1% of all households in Kiritimati Island.

 Pacific Data Hub

These reports captures the quarterly price review from 2016. Reviews are based on analysis of Means of Platts Singapore(MOPS), Benchmark Saudi Aramco LPG prices(sourced from Gas Energy Australia) and Pacific Fuel Prices on a quarterly basis (source from Pacific Island countries)


 Pacific Data Hub


This document outlines actions being taken to reduce American Samoa's petroleum consumption. It describes the four near-term strategies selected by the American Samoa Renewable Energy Committee (ASREC) during action-planning workshops conducted in May 2016, and describes the steps that will need to be taken to implement those strategies.

 Pacific Data Hub


The Agence Française de Développement confided this study to the Airaro1 consulting firm, which is based in French Polynesia, in consultation and unanimous agreement with the Polynesian Ministry of Public Works, Energy and Mines, the services of the High Commission of the French Polynesian Republic and the Agence pour le Développement et la Maîtrise de l'Energie (ADEME, Agency for the Development and Management of Energy).

 Pacific Data Hub

This report is a publication of the Pacific Power Association (PPA). The report is based upon the 2015 fiscal reporting year relevant to each utility. Presents the results of the fourth successive annual assessment of Pacific electricity utility performance since 2011. Report prepared by PPA with technical support from the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF).

 Pacific Data Hub

FEA Annual Reports. Downloaded from http://www.fea.com.fj/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2015-Annual-Report.pdf 

Keywords - Fiji, Fiji Electricity Authority, FEA, 2015 Annual report

 Pacific Data Hub

FEA Annual Reports. Downloaded from http://www.fea.com.fj/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/fea-annual-report-2016.pdf

Keywords - Fiji, Fiji Electricity Authority, FEA, 2016 Annual report

 Pacific Data Hub

The following document captures Chuuk State Energy action plan from 2011 to 2020. The referenced document was revised in February 2013 by the Chuuk State  Energy Workgroup.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report analyses fuel subsidies in Kiribati. It attempts to quantify the subsidies on the three most important fuels in Kiribati – benzene, diesel and household kerosene – using a methodology called the price-gap approach. This method gives rough monetary estimates of subsidies, but is relatively simple to apply and has low data requirements. The subsidies were estimated for 2011–2015, where data were best available, but applying the present day tax regime for estimation instead of the tax regime prior to the 2014 tax reform.

 Pacific Data Hub

The report is prepared by the Pacific Power Association with funding by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). It involved working closely with the Governments and power utilities of the PICs, other international donors, and the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) Energy Sector Working Group2 to identify potential private sector investment opportunities and to document the existing and ongoing private sector investments in the power sector.

Key words - IPP,  Second Pacific energy investors forum, PRIF, PPA

 Pacific Data Hub

The National Infrastructure Strategic Plan (NISP) outlines the Government’s priorities and strategic directions for major initiatives in the economic infrastructure sector over the next 5-10 years.

 Pacific Data Hub

The report captures the current efforts of the Asian Development Bank to promote sustainable infrastructure in Asia and the Pacific. We stand ready to work with our partners to findappropriate solutions to their infrastructure investment needs, and to link them to the expertise and finance they need to address the many challenges ahead.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report contains the findings, regional and national strategies, and recommendations that constitute the chief results of ADB’s regional technical assistance (RETA) project:Improving the Delivery of Infrastructure Services in the Pacific. The following Volumes comprise the Final Report of the RETA.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report originated as part of the Background Paper prepared for the joint IBRD/JBIC/ADB East Asia and the Pacific regional infrastructure study, Connecting East Asia. Many stakeholders expressed interest in understanding more about differences and similarities among Pacific Island countries, how Pacific Island countries compared to other island states in the world, the role infrastructure plays in growth and development in the Pacific Islands region, and in identifying opportunities and obstacles to improvinginfrastructure performance.

 Pacific Data Hub

This volume is a joint publication of the staff of the international Bank of reconstruction and Development/The World Bank and the Australian Agency for international Development (AusAid). 

 Pacific Data Hub

This Study was conducted by Adrian Sammons and Douglas Oldfield as individual consultants, under the guidance and support of the Pacific Infrastructure Advisory Centre (PIAC) in Sydney, Australia.

PIAC operates under the coordination of the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF), a partnership for improved infrastructure in the Pacific Region between the Asian Development Bank, the Australian Agency for International Development, the New Zealand Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade and the World Bank Group.