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 Pacific Data Hub

Herewith Tuvalu National Gender Policy: Strategic Plan of Action 2014-2016.

The three-year Strategic Plan of Action proposes a series of outputs and key actions in order to achieve the outcomes of the National Policy on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment. Its implementation requires the active contribution of the Government and civil society organisations. The outcomes and outputs proposed must be incorporated and addressed in the national policy and programmes in every sector and need to be part of annual plans.

Policy Objective:

 Pacific Data Hub

The following captures the 2017 annual reporting of the Fiji elelctricity Authority operations and activities including Financial Statements. FEA is now called Energy Fiji limited or EFL for short

 Pacific Data Hub

The initiative of sustainability is driven from the top management of the university. The Energy Management Plan supplements the Strategic Theme of ‘Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change’ from the USP Strategic Plan 2013-2018. To implement the theme the Energy Efficiency Working Group (EEWG) has been formed. This group looks at trying to reduce the energy usage at USP through recommendation made from the LEVEL 3 Energy Audit that was carried out in March, 2014.

 Pacific Data Hub

The initiative of sustainability is driven from the top management of the university. The Energy Management Plan supplements the Strategic Theme of ‘Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change’ from the USP Strategic Plan 2013-2018. To implement the theme the Energy Efficiency Working Group (EEWG) has been formed. This group looks at trying to reduce the energy usage at USP through recommendation made from the LEVEL 3 Energy Audit that was carried out in March, 2014.

 Pacific Data Hub

2030 | The People's Plan as our National Sustainable Development Plan for the period 2016 to 2030.

This plan builds on the progress made and lessons learned under the Priorities and Action Agenda, which guided our national development efforts between 2006 and 2015, and the Millennium Development Goals, which also expired in 2015.

 Pacific Data Hub

This guidelines document describes a general approach for developing a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation Roadmap (hereinafter referred to as an NDC Roadmap). The document is intended for any country implementing an NDC under the Paris Agreement, with a specific focus on small island developing states (SIDS). It sets out a high-level outline of the steps that countries can undertake to create an overall NDC implementation plan for one or more sectors.

 Pacific Data Hub

This NDC Implementation Roadmap 2017-2030 shall be considered a “living” document in that information expressed in this publication represents the Government of Fiji’s current understanding of the energy sector, and current understanding of mitigation actions (including technology, finance, capacity building, and technical assistance needs), which willcontribute to meeting the targets set out in Fiji’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).

 Pacific Data Hub

The 132 indicators in this booklet represent the subset of SDGs selected by the Pacific SDG Taskforce, as part of the Pacific Roadmap for Sustainable Development.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Pacific Roadmap for Sustainable Development guides regional responses for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals within the context of national plans and priorities, the SAMOA Pathway and the Framework for Pacific Regionalism. It was prepared by the Pacific SDGs Taskforce through an open, consultative and country-driven process, and is premised on the underlying principle of leaving no one behind.

 Pacific Data Hub

The urgency for all levels of government, the private sector and civil society to take immediate action to limit global warming and avoid the worst effects of climate change has been reinforced this year by the messages in the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C.1 The vital role that non-Party stakeholders (cities, regions, businesses and civil society) can play in driving ambition and delivering action was recognized by the IPCC report and by the Paris Agreement.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Certificate 1 in Sustainable Energy is a generic qualification aimed at those who seek entry to work in the Energy/Sustainable Energy sector working with Renewable Energy (RE) sources and Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).

The Certificate 2 in Sustainable Energy is a generic qualification aimed at those who are working or seek entry to work in the Energy/Sustainable Energy sector working with Renewable Energy (RE) sources and Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).

 Pacific Data Hub

The Certificate 1 in Sustainable Energy is a generic qualification aimed at those who seek entry to work in the Energy/Sustainable Energy sector working with Renewable Energy (RE) sources and Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).

This qualification was developed by the Pacific Regional Sustainable Energy Industry Standards Advisory Committee (ISAC) for the Sustainable Energy Industry Association of the Pacific Islands (SEIAPI) to EQAP.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Certificate 2 in Sustainable Energy is a generic qualification aimed at those who are working or seek entry to work in the Energy/Sustainable Energy sector working with Renewable Energy (RE) sources and Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).

This qualification was developed by the Pacific Regional Sustainable Energy Industry Standards Advisory Committee (ISAC) for the Sustainable Energy Industry Association of the Pacific Islands (SEIAPI) to EQAP.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Certificate 3 in Sustainable Energy is aimed at those who may already be working in a field related to Energy/Sustainable Energy or those with relevant work experience who wishto pursue a career in Sustainable Energy. Learners at this level must elect to study in one of the following fields: Energy Efficiency, Solar, Biomass, Hybrid Wind, Micro Hydro Power.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Certificate 4 in Sustainable Energy is aimed at those who may already be working in a field related to Energy/Sustainable Energy or those with relevant work experience who wishto pursue a career in Sustainable Energy. Learners at this level must elect to study in one of the following fields: Energy Management, Biomass, Hybrid Wind, Micro Hydro Power, Solar.

 Pacific Data Hub

A household electrical appliances, lights, and end-use survey was undertaken in Niue during the period 2-23 March 2018. A total of 210 households were surveyed, which is around 44% of all households. The report covers the survey process as well as findings. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report captures Pacific Fuel Price Monitor for 2018 based on an annual average. The review covers the Pacific Fuel prices (source from Pacific Island countries including Australia and New Zealand).

The reports captures:

  • regional retail fuel prices
  • unleaded motor gasoline prices (mogas)
  • automotive diesel oil (ADO) prices
  • kerosene prices and
  • liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)


 Pacific Data Hub

The National Building Code of Samoa (NBC) is a performance based set of standards that provides objectives and descriptions of how a building and site should be constructed to achieve a structurally-sound and sustainable built environment.

As a performance based document, the NBC describes the outcome of a DEVELOPMENT project rather than prescribing a stepby-step method of how to construct.

 Pacific Data Hub

The following explains the breakdown and associated descriptions captured in the Energy Fiji Limited (EFL) elelctricity bill. EFL formerly used tobe called Fiji elelctricity Authority (FEA)

 Pacific Data Hub

The followiing captures the typical agreement between YSPSC and customers in yap over the use of street lights.Template is active or valid since 2013.