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 Pacific Data Hub

National Energy Demand Supply Database for Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Wave(passive) energy concept : This document was submitted in the 8th CCOP/SOPAC annual session. In 1978 the Mineral Resources Department recognized that Fiji has excellent locations for the application of this concept. In Fiji many potential sites have been recognized, and further work is intended to select the best sites for more detailed

 Pacific Data Hub

Wave(passive) energy concept : This document was submitted in the 8th CCOP/SOPAC annual session. In 1978 the Mineral Resources Department recognized that Fiji has excellent locations for the application of this concept. In Fiji many potential sites have been recognized, and further work is intended to select the best sites for more detailed
studies. On Fiji's Coral Coast alone eight potential sites have been identified in a preliminary desk study (Crown Agents Report 1979). If all were developed they could

 Pacific Data Hub

The study of Energy Release and Seismicity in the South West Pacific (continued) : The objective of this study is to determine the dynamics and structure of the New Hebrides Island Ridge and its active marginal zone. Initial field work began in 1976 with a series of seismic experiments. The experiments, a series of short refraction profiles using small air-gun source was obtained in the central New Hebrides.

 Pacific Data Hub

The study of Energy release and Seismicity in the Southwest Pacific : Initially proposed by the Ad hoc Committee in the 1975 CCOP/SOPAC - IDOE Workshop. The project seeks to undertake a series of interrelated studies which have as a common theme the release of seismic and heat energy. Work objectives were:
(1) Geothermal measurements, this would be an extension of existing and planned work on selected islands islands, as Efate Island (Vanuatu), Fiji & Solomon Islands.
(2) Earthquake and volcanic prediction

 Pacific Data Hub

The study of Energy release and Seismicity in the Southwest Pacific : Initially proposed by the Ad hoc Committee in the 1975 CCOP/SOPAC - IDOE Workshop. The project seeks to undertake a series of interrelated studies which have as a common theme the release of seismic and heat energy. Work objectives were:
(1) Geothermal measurements, this would be an extension of existing and planned work on selected islands islands, as Efate Island (Vanuatu), Fiji & Solomon Islands.
(2) Earthquake and volcanic prediction

 Pacific Data Hub

The study of Energy release and Seismicity in the Southwest Pacific : Initially proposed by the Ad hoc Committee in the 1975 CCOP/SOPAC - IDOE Workshop. The project seeks to undertake a series of interrelated studies which have as a common theme the release of seismic and heat energy. Work objectives were:
(1) Geothermal measurements, this would be an extension of existing and planned work on selected islands islands, as Efate Island (Vanuatu), Fiji & Solomon Islands.
(2) Earthquake and volcanic prediction

 Pacific Data Hub

The study of Energy release and Seismicity in the Southwest Pacific : Initially proposed by the Ad hoc Committee in the 1975 CCOP/SOPAC - IDOE Workshop. The project seeks to undertake a series of interrelated studies which have as a common theme the release of seismic and heat energy. Work objectives were:
(1) Geothermal measurements, this would be an extension of existing and planned work on selected islands islands, as Efate Island (Vanuatu), Fiji & Solomon Islands.
(2) Earthquake and volcanic prediction

 Pacific Data Hub

The study of Energy release and Seismicity in the Southwest Pacific : Initially proposed by the Ad hoc Committee in the 1975 CCOP/SOPAC - IDOE Workshop. The project seeks to undertake a series of interrelated studies which have as a common theme the release of seismic and heat energy. Work objectives were:
(1) Geothermal measurements, this would be an extension of existing and planned work on selected islands islands, as Efate Island (Vanuatu), Fiji & Solomon Islands.
(2) Earthquake and volcanic prediction

 Pacific Data Hub

The study of Energy release and Seismicity in the Southwest Pacific : Initially proposed by the Ad hoc Committee in the 1975 CCOP/SOPAC - IDOE Workshop. The project seeks to undertake a series of interrelated studies which have as a common theme the release of seismic and heat energy. Work objectives were:
(1) Geothermal measurements, this would be an extension of existing and planned work on selected islands islands, as Efate Island (Vanuatu), Fiji & Solomon Islands.
(2) Earthquake and volcanic prediction

 Pacific Data Hub

Feasibility Study of Coconut Oil as a Diesel Substitute in Kiribati (Inception phase) : In a request addressed to the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission

 Pacific Data Hub

Resource Assessment and field Investigations of Wrecks : The followup study is limited to the 0-100m deep zone ( the zone of possible maximum environmental impacts and in which there is the most human interactions) the aims of the follow up study is to map, in the field, the specific locaton of shallow water ( less than 100m deep) wrecks, assess the general water circulations partterns, assess the natural resouces, in this zone and comments on the possible contamination risk that this wrecks may pose to the environment. If deemed necessary, proposals for follow-up studies will be made.

 Pacific Data Hub

Resource Assessment and field Investigations of Wrecks : The followup study is limited to the 0-100m deep zone ( the zone of possible maximum environmental impacts and in which there is the most human interactions) the aims of the follow up study is to map, in the field, the specific locaton of shallow water ( less than 100m deep) wrecks, assess the general water circulations partterns, assess the natural resouces, in this zone and comments on the possible contamination risk that this wrecks may pose to the environment. If deemed necessary, proposals for follow-up studies will be made.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Energy Newsletter Issue 1 July 1999

 Pacific Data Hub

An energy database training workshop to introduce the modified database structure and to provide training in the inputting and
management of energy data. Held in PNG from 8- 12 February 2000.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Empower Consultants Limited. The Namdrik Atoll solar project has had a somewhat chequered history. Before
proceeding with the Outer Island electrification programme, GoRMI wished to
understand the issues arising from this experience so as to better scope the forward
programme of bringing light to the remaining 20 atolls that have no access to
environmentally friendly commercial fuels. Under its PIEPSAP project, the South
Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) agreed to fund an investigation with

 Pacific Data Hub

Economic Potential of Renewable Energy : Full feasibility studies of applicable / possible renewable energy projects for the region.

 Pacific Data Hub

Conversion of conventional pumping systems (hand pumps) into Solar Pumps in Kiribati : The project will investigate the possibility and necessity to convert conventional pumping systems into solar pumping systems. Emphasis will be given to the economics and the maintenance implications of such a swap.

Objective: To convert all water hand pumps in Kiribati into solar pumps.

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical Assistance on the Energy Supply and Demand Database : To assist member countries to establish and maintain a compatible, accurate, reliable and up-to-date energy supply and demand database so as to enable effective management and planning of their national energy sectors. This is ongoing task that will provide assistance to countries to source and document energy data, however, progress has been minimum with PICs not putting priority o data collation and due to shortage of staff.

 Pacific Data Hub

Demand Side Management Project : Review and report on the current status of DSM activities within SOPAC member country electric power utilities; determine the most appropriate technologies and methodology for the implementation of a DSM programme; prepare a detailed programme design; and the implementation, management and reporting for at least three demonstration DSM projects.