83648 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Project Brief 2011 - North-REP Project. Funded by EDF-10, Implemented by SPC, Countries are RMI, FSM, Palau. Duration: June 2010 - June 2014. 

Budget: EUR 14.4 million.

 Pacific Data Hub

Energy efficiency and renewable energy to improve the quality of life and reduce dependency on fossil fuels in Palau.

 Pacific Data Hub

User manual for solar home system for RMI.

 Pacific Data Hub

Guidelines developed by the Sustainable Energy Industry Association of the Pacific Islands in collaboration with the Pacific Power Association. Represent latest industry BEST PRACTISE for the design and installation of PV Grid Connect Systems. 2 reports attached here: 

  1. Grid-connected PV systems - system installation guidelines for the Pacific Islands
  2. Grid-connected PV systems - system design guidelines for the Pacific Islands.
 Pacific Data Hub

Report of consultation meeting on the PIGGAREP Plus. Held between 30 - 31 January 2013 at Pasifika Conference Room, SPC, Suva, Fiji.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report highlights some of the energy issues of the 3 countries (RMI, Palau, FSM) and the subsequesnt interventions undertaken by North-REP.

 Pacific Data Hub

Record holds 2 attachments:

  1. Report on the PALS steering committee meeting & lighting workshop held on 27-28 May 2014.
  2. Workshop agenda
 Pacific Data Hub

Attached here are 3 volumes of the Solomon Islands National Energy Policy and Strategic Plan:

  1. Volume 1 - Solomon Islands National Energy Policy 2014
  2. Volume 2 - Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation: A Strategy and Investment Plan (2014 - 2019)
  3. Volume 3 - Petroleum & Alternative Liquid Fuels Strategies and Investment Plan (2014 - 2019)
  4. Volume 4 - Renewable Energy Strategies & Investment Plan 2014
 Pacific Data Hub

Paper proposes removal of kerosene subsidies to encourage households to switch to LPG use.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report of the 2nd Pacific Regional Energy and Transport Ministers Meeting held between 2April - 4 April 2014 in Denarau, Nadi, Fiji.

Attached here is French translation copy as well.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report of PALS Project Workshop and Steering Committee Meeting held 26 August 2013, Suva, Fiji.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on workshop on legislation development for electrical appliance labelling and standards. Held on 22 May 2013 at Ministry of Public Works and Utilities Board Room, Tarawa, Kiribati.

 Pacific Data Hub

Electricity (Amendment) Act 2010 [Act No. 37 of 2010]

An Act to amend the Electricity Act

Short TitleThis Act may be cited as the Electricity (Amendment) Act 2010.In this Act, the Electricity Act 2007, as amended, is referred to as thePrincipal Act.

 Pacific Data Hub

Electricity Concession Contract

Date: 25 July 2008

PARTIESThe Kingdom of Tonga (the Kingdom)Tonga Power Limited (the Concessionaire)The Electricity Commission (the Commission)

 Pacific Data Hub

Report of sub-regional workshop on energy security indicators for the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific. Held 19 - 21 August 2013, Suva, FIji Islands.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report of Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Program Work Plan Design and Implementation Regional Workshop. Held from 11 - 13 April 2012, Suva, Fiji.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report of training on gender in adaptation to climate change and energy projects. Held between 8-9 August 2011, Funafuti, Tuvalu.

 Pacific Data Hub

Joint report on the training workshop on climate change adaptation awareness programme for the National Catholic Women Association held between 3- 10 June 2011, Tarawa, Kiribati.  Combined with training on gender in adaptation and energy for the departmental heads of the Ministry of Internal & Social Affairs and the Energy Planning Unit of the Ministry of Works and Energy held 15th June 2011, Tarawa, Kiribati.

 Pacific Data Hub

Report of training on the training of trainers on gender in adaptation and low carbon development held between 16-18 May 2011, Suva, FIji. Training supported by SPC; Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety; Gender CC.