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 Pacific Data Hub

This paper supports the case for a transformative goal on gender equality, women’s rights and women’s empowerment. The case for a stand-alone gender-related goal, as well as addressing gender priorities into each goal, has been actively supported by Pacific Leaders and the women’s movement. The importance of a standalone goal in post-2015 development agenda was evident at the 12th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women held 2013.

 Pacific Data Hub

Emerging policy lessons from World Bank evaluations of programs to prevent violence against women include:

- Programs to increase women’s economic empowerment may reduce GBV by increasing women’s bargaining power and ability to leave abusive relationships, though there are also risks that increased empowerment could threaten household patriarchies and exacerbate violence.

 Pacific Data Hub

Violence against women and girls is a grave violation of human rights. It also has tremendous costs for individuals and societies, especially in the Pacific, from greater health care expenses to losses in productivity to a pervasive sense of fear and insecurity.

Decades of mobilising by women’s movements have put ending gender-based violence high on national and international agendas. An unprecedented number of countries have laws against domestic violence, sexual assault and other forms of violence.

 Pacific Data Hub

The UN Women Fiji Multi-Country Office, in consultation with partners, identified two main challenges facing Pacific organisations and networks to scale up efforts to end violence against women in the Pacific region. These were:

- Limited access to financial resources, and related needs for skills building in project, financial and organisational management.

- Knowledge and capacity needed to strengthen rights based approaches for survivors of violence against women.

 Pacific Data Hub

Women’s economic empowerment is the ability of women to bring about positive changes in their lives and societies as a result of their participation in economic activities. Enhancing women’s economic empowerment is strategic for long-term, equity, growth, and sustainability. UN Women research has shown that improving the economic status of women leads to increased economic activity in communities and positive ripple effects for the whole nation. Marketplaces are key sites for women’s economic empowerment as well as national poverty reduction.

 Pacific Data Hub

Over the last 30 years the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) has evolved from being just an international standard, to being a standard that is integrated into national constitutions, laws and policies. CEDAW has great significance as a statement of global commitment on gender equality, and it is critical as a concrete, practical tool for advancing gender equality at national levels. All but two PICs have ratified CEDAW.

 Pacific Data Hub

Climate change is a real and growing threat to livelihoods, cultures, ecosystems and lives in the Pacific region. Gender and climate change are closely linked issues. Women, girls, boys, and men have different roles and responsibilities within their families and communities. As a result, each of these groups is differently affected by, and has different abilities to adapt to, the effects of climate change; and has different skills and knowledge to contribute.

 Pacific Data Hub

The overall message of the four-day meeting was that there can be no realisation of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for Pacific women without attention to issues of bodily integrity and autonomy, and that no gender equality is possible without realisation of full human rights and social justice - including core focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

The forum provided a secure place for diverse Pacific feminist and human rights civil society organisations, networks and advocates from across the Pacific region to:

 Pacific Data Hub

Every day, 20,000 girls below age 18 give birth in developing countries. Births to girls also occur in developed countries but on a much smaller scale. Most of the world’s births to adolescents— 95 per cent—occur in developing countries, and nine in 10 of these births occur within marriage or a union. About 19 per cent of young women in developing countries become pregnant before age 18. Girls under 15 account for 2 million of the 7.3 million births that occur to adolescent girls under 18 every year in developing countries.

 Pacific Data Hub

Key findings of the research note are:

- In 2010 the Pacific region lost 65 percent in potential human development due to gender inequality. But this average hides considerable regional differences.

- Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands have high gender inequality, but perhaps surprisingly, so do the Federated States of Micronesia and Nauru.

- Polynesia averages the same as high human development nations, with an average loss of 57 percent in potential human development due to gender inequality.

 Pacific Data Hub

This paper discusses Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 3 to ‘Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women’. It examines the appropriateness of the sole indicator for political progress, the number of women elected to national political office, in the context of a future evaluation around MDG3 to be conducted by the Australian Government’s Office of Development Effectiveness.

 Pacific Data Hub

This factsheet explains the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) by answering the following questions:

- What is CEDAW?

- What is the role of the UN CEDAW Committee?

- What are CEDAW General Recommendations?

- How is the implementation of CEDAW monitored?

- What are Concluding Observations?

- What is the CEDAW 'Follw Up' Procedure?

- What is the CEDAW Optional Protocol?

- What is the status of CEDAW ratification and reporting in the • Pacific?

 Pacific Data Hub

Costing is an emerging area of research within efforts to address and prevent violence against women, whereby researchers and advocates are working to measure the economic impact of such violence, from both a specific financial point of view (unit costing) and a broader societal perspective (impact costing).

 Pacific Data Hub

The Pacific Young Women’s Leadership Alliance is a network of regional, international, and locally based organisations working with and for young women leaders across the Pacific region. The Alliance’s strategy focuses on five key themes, supporting young women to be: Safe, Respected, Included, Connected, and Skilled. The goal of the Alliance is to provide a network to share information, and best practices and resources; and provide a united voice to ensure that governments, donors, and other stakeholders are accountable to the needs of young Pacific women.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Islands Forum Leaders have acknowledged the importance of gender equality through the Pacific Plan and in various Forum Communiqués. The purpose of this brief is to draw the attention of Pacific delegates attending the Rio +20 conference to the importance of gender equality and to ensure contributions to the global sustainable development agenda and negotiations take into consideration gender equality commitments made at the regional and international levels.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Revised Pacific Platform For Action is a regional charter developed and agreed to by representatives from all Pacific Island countries and territories. It has four strategic themes:

- Mechanisms to promote the advancement of women.

- Women’s legal and human rights.

- Women’s access to services.

- Economic empowerment of women.

 Pacific Data Hub

The top findings of the evaluation of the Breakthrough Project are:
1. Global Fund grantmaking contributed to impact at three levels: on the individual lives of over half a million women and girls, their families and communities, on the sustainability and capacities of the grantee organisations and networks, and through concrete political and economic gains for gender equality.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report focuses on the experiences of adolescent pregnancy and motherhood. It highlights the challenges that adolescent mothers face when pregnant and as mothers.

Over the last decade, young women’s fertility rates (ages 15-19) across the Pacific have declined in eight countries. However, in five countries (Marshall Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu) rates have remained high, at over 50 of births to women 15-19 years per 1,000 women 15-19 years.

 Pacific Data Hub

This review looks at progress toward the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action’s goals on the following themes:

- Sexual and reproductive health and rights.

- Health, morbidity and mortality.

- Family wellbeing and society.

- Gender and empowering women.

- Population and Sustainable development.

- Population change and social development challenges.

- Urbanisation and internal migration.

- International migration and development.

- Population development and education.

 Pacific Data Hub

The reproductive risk index ranks 21 of the 22 Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) according to ten key sexual and reproductive health and rights indicators. In doing so, the RRI provides a comprehensive overview of the sexual and reproductive health and rights environments in individual PICTs, how these compare to each other, and combines them to build a clear regional picture of sexual and reproductive health and rights.