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Invasive species are one of the major threats to the native significant species of plants and animals of Vanuatu. In order to achieve the government’s vision, the nation must conserve and/or manage Vanuatu’s biodiversity from the devastating impacts of Invasive Species.

In this study, the actual form of CFM in Vanuatu is described and compared to the Arnason design principles for an efficient CFM.

The Vanuatu National Forest Inventory commenced in 1989. Field survey activities were primarily undertaken through the Vanuatu dry season and were completed in 1991.

EbA is the practice of strengthening ecosystems to increase people’s ability to adapt to the impacts of climate change. The current study continues the PEBACC project in Vanuatu. It builds on an earlier PEBACC study that undertook a baseline ecosystem and socio-economic resilience analysis and mapping appraisal of the Port Vila Metropolitan area.

A mix of household surveys and community workshops were used to better understand the reliance of vulnerable communities in Greater Port Vila on their surrounding ecosystems and the services that these resources provide.

This report was prepared by Griffith University under the Pacific Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change Project (PEBACC).

A presentation in Brisbane on November 21st 2016 by RMIT University on the progress of the ESRAM

A presentation by Griffith ESRAM team on the progress of Tanna Island ESRAM project.

Local communities and stakeholders were engaged throughout the process to map ecosystem types; define key ecosystem functions and services; define the economic value and identify possible threats to these ecosystem services; identify and prioritise possible EbA projects to improve ecosystem health and increase community resilience; and develop an implementation plan for the selected EbA projects.




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