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Technical document

Technical document

Technical document

A report providing a legal context to the various issues relating to REDD+ in Vanuatu

This research, conducted by researchers at the University of Technology, Sydney, focused on how the immediate
humanitarian needs following disasters are met by various stakeholders, both in the affected country and those offering support from outside.

Roads connecting local communities in North Epi Island, Vanuatu, are highly vulnerable to the effects of extreme weather and coastal hazards. To help address this issue, PACCSAP commissioned a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) to objectively compare the merits of different options to improve road access.

Warning: very heavy dataset - loading can take a while. Time-series plotting capability is disabled for this dataset.

Warning: very heavy dataset - loading can take a while. Time series plotting capability has been disabled.

Model runs performed with the contributions of SPC and its partners.

Model runs performed with the contributions of SPC and its partners.

Model runs performed with the contributions of SPC and its partners.

Warning: very heavy dataset - While the full model outputs are available on the THREDDS server for download, only the surface layer outputs can be displayed. Further, time-series plotting capabilities is only possible when selecting the 2019 dataset (first few months of 2019) in the "variable" dropdown list.

Severe and widespread damage was worst on the larger islands of Tanna, Erromango, and Efate, while there was less damage on the smaller islands of Aneityum, Aniwa, and Futuna in the southern region. Eleven fatalities were subsequently confirmed in Tafea and Shefa Provinces.

Warning: very heavy dataset - loading can take a while.