12339 results

Download Selection of National Cyber Security Index (NCSI) indicators for Pacific Island Countries and Territories data

Download Persons held in prisons data

Download Selection of indicators from the International Monetary Fund Financial Access Survey (IMF FAS) data

Download Population living in low elevation coastal zones (0-10m and 0-20m above sea level) data

Download Gender Pay Gap in Wages by country, urbanisation, and disability status data

The SPREP Inform project adopted the DKAN Open Source Data Platform to implement and build the Inform network of data repositories. These repositories are intended to manage and share national, regional and global environmental information for informed decision making.

Video showcasing the project outcomes and results of the GEF UNEP Inform Project implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Fisheries Bulletin is issued on a Weekly Basis. The objective of the Fisheries Bulletin is to
help Fisheries stakeholders make informed decisions and mitigate risks associated with
weather and climate variability. It includes tailored and focused information relevant to
fisheries sector.

The Palau Ocean Bulletin was developed in order to provide information on Palau’s
current and past ocean conditions as well as the current state of the ENSO, sea surface
temperatures, sea level conditions as well as coral bleaching alerts, if any. This is sent
within WSO Palau to be shared and posted on WSO Palau social media page. It is
suggested to be shared within the National Emergency Committee on a monthly basis.

The Palau Protected Areas Network sits under the Bureau of Environment within the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and the Environment.  It's job is to coordinate activities and workflow for all PAN states within the Republic of Palau.  It is funded by the Protected Areas Network Fund, a Non-Government Organization, that seeks funding to support the operations of all PAN states.

Download Selection of World Bank World Development Indicators (WB WDI) for Pacific Island Countries and Territories data

The 4th State of Environment Report for Samoa.

The outcomes of the 2023 SOE Report informs the National Environment Sector Plan 2023- 2027