Members of the South Pacific Whale Research Consortium met at the University of Auckland from 8-12 February, 2009 to discuss (i) the results of fieldwork and analysis conducted during 2008 and, (ii) conservation initiatives in the region. As with previous synoptic surveys dating back to the austral winter of 1999, surveys of humpback whales were conducted to collect genetic samples, individual identification photographs and song recordings in the four primary regions: New Caledonia, Tonga (Vavau), Cook Islands and French Polynesia (Moorea).
Regional cooperation and responses are common across the PICTs. SPREP already has in place regional action plans for marine turtles, dugongs, and whales and dolphins. In addition, the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), comprising 17 Pacific States, has a proven track record in cooperation on fisheries management issues including the longstanding Nauru Agreement and the current development of a regional monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) strategy.
In 2008, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reviewed the conservation status of cetacean populations worldwide. As a consequence of this review, the Oceania population of humpback whales has been re-classified from Threatened to Endangered. This is in recognition that, although humpback whales in many parts of the world are showing encouraging signs of recovery from whaling, most of the small breeding populations in the South Pacific remain at extremely low levels and some remain vulnerable to extinction.
The SPREP Strategic Plan 2017–2026 builds on the successes and lessons learned in the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2011–2015. SPREP has used these lessons together with
Many species of sharks are threatened with extinction, and there has been a longstanding debate in scientific and environmental circles over the most effective and appropriate strategy to conserve and protect them.
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 12 p.
Seabirds of the Pacific Islands; 42 species of seabird known or suspected to breed throughout the tropical Pacific islands. 10 are considered endemic. 11 globally threatened (CR, EN, VU) and one near threatened species.
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 12 p.
To see all species of manta rays and their relatives protected or effectively managed for sustainable/non consumptive use by the people closest to them, in a means that promotes wider ocean conservation.
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 11 p.
Threats to sharks and rays, major threat to sharks and rays globally in unregulated fishing (including legal as well as illegal fishing). Habitat loss and modification - impacts coastal and freshwater species (barriers to migration)
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 11 p.
This status review is a compilation of the most recent literature and statistics on the status of sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean region, providing a clearer understanding of the risks to sea turtles and their habitats. It presents a summary of the relevant (published) literature and knowledge about sea turtle reproductive biology, movements, and connectivity, and presents these alongside relevant threats that, in combination, are pertinent to understanding the status of sea turtle populations in the Pacific Ocean.
The purpose of this work was to consult with Pacific islands countries and territories to determine progress on implementation of the 2013-2017 action plans. Identify issues and challenges with implementing the plans. Obtain feedback about the plans in general. And the objective is to develop a series of Marine species action plans for 2022-2026
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 11 p.
This new Pacific islands framework for nature conservation and protected areas 2021-2025 was endorsed during the conference and subsequently at the 30th SPREP Meeting by 26 members countries and territories in 2021. It reflects the urgent need for transformative action in response to the multiple accelerating threats, both established and emerging, that are faced by nature and people in the Pacific.
Call Number: [EL],333.72099 PAC
ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-04-1007-7,978-982-04-1006-0
Physical Description: 61 p. 29 cm.
Pattern of genetic structure in highly mobile marine vertebrates may be accomplished by genotypic variation. Most studies in marine turtles focused on population genetic structure have been performed at rookeries.
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 20 p.
This report was compiled by contributors from regional seas conventions and action plans, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC
Call Number: [EL]
ISBN/ISSN: 978-92-807-3927-5
Physical Description: 153 p.
The 50 Reefs Approach to Coral Conservation
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 32 p.
The Vuri Forest Conservation Area (VFCA) is part of the Vuri Clan customary land and is under ownership of the tribal people of the Vuri Clan of Sikipozo tribe. Some of these traditional landowners live in Sasamungga village in South Choiseul, while the majority live in other parts of Choiseul province and other parts of the country
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 37 p.
Since 1974, the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans (RSCAPs) Programme has evolved to consist of eighteen unique instruments for enhancing marine environmental cooperation tailored to regional specificites that are strategically placed to respond to the urgent call for securing planetary health.
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 40 p.
Reversing ecosystem degradation and halting global biodiversity loss due to climate change and other anthropogenic drivers are essential for socioeconomic development and human wellbeing, as well as for advancing global sustainability.
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 9 p.
Oceania is geographically one of IUCNs largest regional programmes, covering much of the central and south west Pacific Ocean as well as Australia and New Zealand. The Pacific Islands cover almost 15% of the worlds ocean surface. The area is characterized by a high degree of ecosystem and species diversity, as well as a high level of endemicity (often over 90% for particular groups) on many of the Pacific Islands. Increasing awareness about the importance of biodiversity and the threats to these species is critically important to the survival of all species on Earth.
To provide a doorway through which Pacific islands protected area practitioners can share expertise and benefit from opportunities. To provide up-to-date PA coverage data relevant information and management tools to support protected area decision making and planning.
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 13 p.
Insufficient data for baseline Biodiversity Assessment form the Pacific Islands and Countries (PICs). Most PICs lack taxonomic/ecological data to inform the biodiversity assessments/reports.
Call Number: [EL]
Physical Description: 4 p.