12226 results
 Pacific Data Hub
… the strategic planning workshop: mainstreaming gender in water management for Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 18-21 July 2007. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 13 p. … … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Kleppen M.H. 2007. Honiara city water loss management, sectorisation, metering and logging programme - stage 1, Honiara, Solomon Islands, 29th July - 2nd August 2007. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 44 p. … … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… No systematic wind resource measurements have been carried out in Palau over the … it appears unlikely that wind energy can be a significant resource for power generation. However, since wind power is … 30-metre masts are planned to commence in 2013 and a proper wind map of the main islands should be available …
 Pacific Data Hub
… No systematic wind resource measurements have been carried out in Palau over the … it appears unlikely that wind energy can be a significant resource for power generation. However, since wind power is … 30-metre masts are planned to commence in 2013 and a proper wind map of the main islands should be available …
Water Resources Report 1992, Fig 4.1-5.17 … pdf … 116326 …
Water Resources Report 1992, Figs 5.17-5.53 … pdf … 116327 …
 The Coral Reef Targeted Research & Capacity Building for Management Program
… The purpose of this section is to provide a management context to reef restoration. We assume some … of active restoration omit to consider the wider context and factors outside their control which may jeopardise their … & Capacity Building for Management Program … Coastal and Marine …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Zoll S. 2010. Issue 58, May 2010; Disaster Risk Management (DRM) mainstreaming in Papua New Guinea; 10th … facility for disaster reduction & recovery; improving water security in Nauru; consolidating a. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 4 p. … … …
… This paper aims to provide a basic review of marine resource use in the Western, Gulf and Central Provinces, and the mainland area of the Milne Bay Province of Papua New …
… AITUTAKI WATER QUALITY DATA REPORT January – December 2010 2011 Tuaine … Ngere George Dorothy Solomona Annual Report 2010 INSHORE AND AQUACULTURE DIVISION MINISTRY OF MARINE RESOURCES … pdf … …
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM
… … … Department of Environment … Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM) … FSM …
 Pacific Data Hub
… technical assistance to the department of geology, mines and water resources, report of field trip from 25 April to 4 May …
 Pacific Data Hub
… collects a wealth of information on household income and expenditure, such as source of income by industry, household (HH) expenditure on goods and services, and income and expenditure associated with … 2009 … … Pacific Data Hub … coicop … consumption … cpi … fiji … hies … home-produced … household-expenditure … …
 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)
… in New Zealand, are only clearly revealed on islands and fenced sanctuaries without rats and other invasive predators which suppress mouse … Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) … eradication … management action … management action-management … rodents … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Pacific partnership initiative on sustainable water management, 3rd Steering committee meeting, review report on …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Pacific water association, 1998 annual general meeting held at the Southern Cross Hotel, Suva, Fiji, 31 March - 4 April 1998 … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Burke E. 2009. Pacific water association, 1998 annual general meeting held at the Southern Cross Hotel, Suva, Fiji, 31 March - 4 April 1998. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 97 p. … … …
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment
… 32 pages. … … Nauru Department of Commerce … Industry and Environment … nauru … waste management … national solid waste strategy … Built Environment …
 Frontiers Media SA
… The time-tested Indigenous fishing knowledge (IFK) of Fiji and the Pacific Island is seriously threatened due to the … [EL] Physical Description: 18 p. … … Frontiers Media SA … fiji … oceania … indigenous fishing … knowledge … marine …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
… definition-baseline … invasive species … biodiversity … management action … management action-management … foundations … foundations-legislation … papua …