12226 results
 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu
… … … Department of Environment … Tuvalu … water quality … water pollution … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Inland Waters …
 Pacific Data Hub
… - Girls in Kiribati lack knowledge about menstruation and reproductive health as they transition into adolescence and adulthood. - Poor water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) contributes to girls …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Land Resources Division: annual report 2009. Nabua, Fiji: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). 72 p. … … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Report on the workshop on technologies for maximising and augmenting freshwater resources in small islands (South Pacific, Indian Ocean and South China Sea Region) Suva, Fiji, 6-8 February 1996. … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Executive Summary Located 640 km North North West of Fiji’s capital Suva, Rotuma is Fiji’s remotest island. Disruptions in fuel supply and high supply cost for fuel have triggered interest to …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Green Growth Framework for Fiji – Restoring the balance in development that is … is a “Living Document”. It is intended to support and complement the Peoples Charter for Change, Peace and … vision as the Roadmap. This Green Growth Framework for Fiji is a tool to accelerate integrated and inclusive …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Bay, Bootless Inlet, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Suva, Fiji: SPC. 72 p. … … Pacific Data Hub … biodiversity … coastal-zone-management … ecosystem-managementwater-quality-management … Land … Biodiversity …
 Department fo the Navy
… for compliance with a suite of federal environmental and natural resources laws and regulations that apply to the marine environment, … Act (ESA), the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act/Sustainable Fisheries Act (MSFCMA/SFA), and
 Pacific Data Hub
… Pakoa K., Bertram I. 2013. Management state of Pacific sea cucumber fisheries. SPC … … … Pacific Data Hub … fisheries … sea-cucumbers … Coastal and Marine …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Anon. 2016. Guide to information sheets on fisheries management for communities [Updated]. Noumea, New Caledonia: … 20 p. … … Pacific Data Hub … fisheries … Coastal and Marine …
 Pacific Data Hub
… W. 2011. Mission Report – second national disaster risk management council engagement and introduction to disaster management training, Nauru, 6-17 November 2011. Suva, Fiji: SPC, Pacific Community. 2 p. … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Burke E. 1999. Pacific Water Association; report on the 40th annual conference and expo of the New Zealand Water and Wastes Association held in Wellington, NZ, 22-25 September 1998. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 8 p. … … …

Poster developed by MACBIO summarizing lessons learned in locally managed marine protected area ACMCA. Language Pijin (coming soon)

… Pacific Regional Solid Waste Management Strategy 2010 – 2015 … pdf … 66 …
… Cook Islands Solid Waste Management Strategy 2013 – 2016 … pdf … 67967 …
… A project progress report on the HCFC phase out management plan … pdf … 114090 …