This Dashboard gives an overview of all the help and support documents the Inform project has created. From manuals and video instructions, to license agreement templates, interesting presentations and software (and a lot more!). You can find all links to it here.
Inform Docs
All documentation for the SPREP Inform project in one place: general information on the project, Help material on the DKAN data portals and Help material for the Indicator Reporting Tool.
Inform project training materials
A collection of Inform project training materials, like PowerPoint presentations etc.
You are free to download and change any of these training resources, to fit the purpose of your country training. Also check out the Training Action Plan!
Inform e-learning course registration form
Click on this link to register to the Inform e-learning course registration form.
Data Portal Manuals
Download the full data portal manual with all the essential info to get started. It includes FAQ's, Tips & Tricks, Good Practices and much more.
Inform YouTube playlist
Watch all the data portal instruction videos on the Inform YouTube playlist! The videos can also be downloaded here:
State of the Environment Toolkit
Download the SoE Guidelines or an SoE Template to get you started. Also check out SPREP's recommended template for environmental indicators and the icons to indicate status, trend and data confidence.
SPREP core national environment indicators
This list of indicators was developed through the Inform project at SPREP for use by Pacific Islands countries (PICs) to meet their national and international reporting obligations. The indicators have been designed to be measurable and repeatable so that countries can track key aspects of environmental health over time. Indicators can be used as is, adapted for countries needs, or used in conjunction with other national-scale indicators selected by PICs. This dataset includes a summary pdf document and an associated excel file with more detail:
Data Policy Templates
This dataset contains templates of policies and MoU's on data sharing (Ministry Policy on Data Sharing, MoU Ministry to Ministry, MoU SPREP to Country).
You can download the Word-templates and adapt the documents to your national context (see
Data for decision making workflow
Workflow showing the different steps from data collection, processing, validation to upload to the data portal. Including links to indicator development, reporting, communication products and informed decision making.
You are free to use this workflow to help explain and support data management and sharing.
Data Portal License Agreements
All license agreements for public, shared and private data can be found here: These are templates for you to change according to your needs.
Mobile Data Collection
All info on Mobile Data Collection and KoboToolbox can be found here:
ACPMEA and Inform Joint Regional Meeting 2018
The ACPMEA and Inform projects held a Joint Regional Meeting at SPREP from 17-21 September 2018. All training and reference materials from this meeting can be found here:
Looking for more info on MEA's? Then consult "InforMEA", the United Nations Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
Excel pivot tables
Watch this video to learn more on Excel pivot tables: