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15 February 2022 | dataset

Setting priorities for marine conservation in the Fiji Islands Marine Ecoregion

The Fiji Islands Marine Eco region which includes our coastal, Inshore and offshore marine environment is rich in marine biodiversity and endemism. A natural and vibrant ecological mosaic, it links coastal forests and mangroves; tidal estuaries, seagrass beds and lagoons; rich coral reefs and barrier islands. Amongst this rich mosaic can be found over a third of the worlds coral species, the 3rd longest barrier reef in the world, and a large number of species of mangroves and tropical sea grass species.However, the immense natural value of this region does not end with the counting of its many unique habitats. Living, migrating and multiplying within this rich natural environment are over a third of the coral reef fish species of the IndoPacifi c, many species of whales, and 5 of the seven species of marine turtles.There is no question that the natural wealth and diversity of this region makes it a unique place in the world – a place that should be protected and nurtured for many generations to come. Our marine environment sustains an incredible diversity of natural and our people. To sustain the integrity and health of those systems for our children’s future, and beyond them the many generations that will follow, a collective biodiversity vision is needed to be shaped for the Fiji Islands Marine Eco region.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 79p.

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Publisher World Wildlife Fund
Release Date
Source URL…
Identifier VL-33704
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location SPREP LIBRARY
Relevant Countries Fiji
License Public
[Open Data]
Author World Wildlife Fund
Contact Name SPREP Records and Archives Officer
Contact Email [email protected]