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20 July 2021 | dataset

Federated States of Micronesia Contiguous Sea (24 Nautical Miles)

Chapter 1 of Title 18 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 19-172 on April 28, 2017 established a Contiguous Zone, comprising those areas of the sea that are beyond and adjacent to the Territorial Sea. The inner boundary of the contiguous zone is the seaward boundary of the Territorial Sea. The outer boundary of the Contiguous Zone is a line, every point of which is not more than 24 M seaward of the nearest point of the baseline as defined in section 101 of this title.

Within the Contiguous Zone, the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia may exercise the control necessary to:

(a) prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary
laws and regulations within the territory of the Federated States of Micronesia or
the Territorial Sea; and
(b) punish infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws
and regulations committed within the territory of the Federated States of
Micronesia or the territorial sea.……

Data and Resource

FSM CZ (24NM) - Polygon (shapefile)

This shapefile contains the polygon that shows…

FSM CZ (24NM) - Polygon (kml)

This is a kml layer that contains the polygon…

FSM CZ (24NM) - Polyline (shapefile)

This shapefile contains the polyline that…

FSM CZ (24NM) - Polyline (kml)

This is a kml layer that contains the polyline…

Field Value
Publisher Pacific Data Hub
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier 457dc964-4540-4a38-ab09-55dd1e72535d
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Array
Relevant Countries Federated States of Micronesia
License Public
[Open Data]
Author Array