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19 July 2021 | dataset

Food production, consumption and imports

Food is made up of three major components – proteins, carbohydrates and fats – and each is necessary for growth and healthy living. Although all three provide energy, carbohydrates, which consist of starches and sugars, provide the highest proportion of the food energy (or fuel) that human bodies need to function. Protein, used for building and repairing the body, comes from animal products such as meat, fish, and milk, but also from grains and vegetable foods. Small quantities of fats and oils are also important in a balanced diet. They provide more food energy per gram than either carbohydrates or protein.

Data and Resource

Food production, consumption and imports

Food is made up of three major components –…

Field Value
Publisher National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier a4d82bf5-cb18-4ebf-ac13-53882e072630
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Papua New Guinea
Relevant Countries Papua New Guinea
License Public
[Open Data]
Contact Name biatus.bito
POD Theme Land, Biodiversity