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14 November 2023 | dataset

Late-Holocene Volcanics on Tutuila Island, American Samoa: an Archaeological Perspective on Their Chronological and Spatial Distribution

This report presents findings from the analysis of radiocarbon dates and volcanic stratigraphy in the Leone Volcanics region of Tutuila Island, American Samoa, shedding light on the timing and spatial distribution of late-Holocene volcanic events. Key insights include identifying a distinct reddish ash stratum dating to approximately AD 650-750 as the most recent eruptive event, along with observations on the source and sequence of ash deposits, suggesting multiple eruptive events from both seaward and inland craters, potentially continuing as recently as AD 1300.

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Identifier 6827af90-8a26-4051-b9d9-865424c5460a
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location American Samoa
Relevant Countries American Samoa
License Public
[Open Data]
Contact Name [email protected]
POD Theme Land, Atmosphere and Climate