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19 August 2021 | dataset

The natural history of Johnston atoll, Central Pacific Ocean

Although the atoll was discovered in 1796 and claimed by the United States in 1858, it was uninhabited except for brief visits by guano miners, adventurers, government scientists and military personnel until 1936, when the U.S. Navy began developing first a seaplane base and later an airstrip and refueling facilities which served as an important link from
the Hawaiian Islands to the western Pacific during World War II.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 502 p.

Field Value
Publisher The Smithsonian Institution
Release Date
Source URLā€¦
Identifier VL-34698
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location SPREP LIBRARY
Relevant Countries Pacific Region
License Public
[Open Data]
Author Amerson A. Binion et al.
Contact Name SPREP Records and Archives Officer
Contact Email [email protected]