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19 August 2021 | dataset

A preliminary survey of Samoan freshwater macro-faunal biodiversity

Prior to this survey, the island nation of Samoa had not been systematically surveyed for freshwater biodiversity despite the clear role of freshwater and the associated biodiversity in providing essential ecosystem services. This report is beginning to address this gap in knowledge in Samoa by presenting the preliminary results from the first of an anticipated series of freshwater surveys and in-field trainings for Samoa with the target organisms being fishes and macro-crustaceans. A two week initial survey and training in the last fortnight of july (2008) was conducted as a collaborative effort led by Wetlands International-Oceania and the Paris National Museum of Natural History and supported by a range of agencies. Materials developed prior to the training and surveys include catchment maps with inferred catchment integrity, a pictorial training and awareness “flashcard” book for common fresh and estuarine fished, identification keys for crustaceans and fishes, two lectures and a CD of compiled material relevant to the identification of taxa and management of freshwater system.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 32 p.

Data and Resource

Field Value
Publisher Wetlands International
Release Date
Source URL…
Identifier VL-37749
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location SPREP LIBRARY
Relevant Countries Pacific Region
License Public
[Open Data]
Author Jenkins, Aaron
Contact Name SPREP Records and Archives Officer
Contact Email [email protected]