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23 October 2023 | dataset

RMI National Climate Change and Health Action Plan Revised Action Planned

A number of key health issues – food and water safety and security, respiratory and vector-borne diseases, mental health, and extreme weather-related impacts – were identified as priorities. In addition, barriers to implementation of the plan, such as insufficient funding and human resources, apathy and stigma, were highlighted. Stakeholders suggested responsible RMI agencies, strategies to manage these risks and timeframes. The strategies include increased resource allocation, educational campaigns, and continuing communication and engagement, particularly with traditional leaders, landowners, and community and faith-based groups

Field Value
Publisher Ministry of Health and Human Services
Release Date
Source URL…
Identifier 08adeb5a-4594-45fc-bfbb-236d0a5fe433
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Republic of the Marshall Islands
Relevant Countries Republic of the Marshall Islands
License Shared
[Open Data]
Contact Name Nathan Karben
Contact Email [email protected]