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08 June 2021 | dataset

Solid Waste Audits 2018 - 2019

This dataset contains Solid Waste Audit - a composition of data from households and commercial activities expressed in number of items, weight or volume. It also reports the results of interviews done when solid waste samples were collected to gather metadata about household occupants social and behavioural metadata, including the fate of solid waste not collected through the official waste management service.

Waste audits were conducted in eight communities between November and December 2018 in Guadalcanal (five villages along Lunga river, 81 samples) Malaita islands (Arabella, 37 samples; Kilusakwalo, 33 samples; Ambu, 26 samples). Commercial activities were also audited (31 in Honiara in Guadalcanal Island; and 16 in Auki, Malaita Island).

Data and Resource

Solid Waste Audit

The Commonwealth Litter Project (CLiP)…

Field Value
Publisher Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier b6bc1e12-9093-487c-aa4c-23143a848f4f
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Solomon Islands
Relevant Countries Solomon Islands
Language English
License Public
[Open Data]
Contact Name solomonislands@dmin
POD Theme Land