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21 April 2023 | dataset

Vanuatu High Frequency Phone Survey on COVID-19 2022, Round 1

The phone survey was conducted to gather data on the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 crisis in Vanuatu. Community transmission of COVID-19 in Vanuatu started only in March 2022 followed by the nation-wide lockdown and other restrictions. Round 1 HFPS survey was a timely process to observe the effect of the crisis on the country. Round 1 interviewed 2,515 households both in urban and rural regions of the country from July 2022 to September 2022.

Survey topics included employment and income, food security, coping strategies, access to health services, and asset ownership - all on household level. Additionally, two individual-level datasets explore adult employment and child education. The former selects a randomly chosen adult in the household - could be the respondent of a household-level data, head of the household or another individual - and inquires about their employment status. For the latter, the respondent is being asked about education of a randomly chosen child in the household with more than one child.

While these findings are not without their caveats due to the lack of baseline data, constraints of the mobile phone survey methodology, and data quality constraints, they represent the best estimates to date and supplement other data on macroeconomic conditions, exports, firm-level information, etc. to develop an initial picture of the impacts of the crises on the population.

Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and anonymized version of the Master file

-HOUSEHOLD DATASET: Basic Information, Vaccine, Health, Education, Food Insecurity, Employment, Income, Coping Strategies, Assets
-ADULT EMPLOYMENT DATASET: Basic Information, Employment
-CHILD EDUCATION DATASET: Basic Information, Child Education

* Collection start: 2022
* Collection end: 2022

Field Value
Publisher Pacific Data Hub
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier bbef2b44-0d90-4694-9aac-3040916d2482
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Array
Relevant Countries Vanuatu
License Public
[Open Data]
Author Array