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21 July 2021 | dataset

Monitoring and Management of the humphead wrasse

The humphead wrasse *Cheilinus undulatus* is a small but important part of the international trade in live reef food fish, being one of the highest species in unit value. The main threats of the live reef food fish trade to the sustainability of the species are overfishing and the effects of destructive fishing on the target species, non-target species and on the reef environment. In this context this report discusses the core elements of a management system for humphead wrasse, making considerations about major fisheries management objectives, management measures, enforcement, monitoring and fisheries assessment.

Data and Resource

Monitoring and management of the humphead wrasse

This report discusses the core elements of a…

Field Value
Publisher Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier 72fa74f5-9697-496c-9075-c2c8a3f21801
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Pacific Island Region
Relevant Countries Pacific Region
Language English
License Public
[Open Data]
Author FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture
Contact Name Office of Knowledge Exchange, Research and Extension - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Contact Email [email protected]