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05 July 2021 | dataset

Community Fisheries Management : Future Consideration for Vanuatu

Community fisheries management (CFM) has been introduced in fisheries management in Vanuatu almost over a decade ago. However, more than ten years later, for some reason, it appeared weak, inefficient and biologically unsustainable. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to describe and compare the actual form of CFM system in Vanuatu with the Arnason design principles to identify where the deviations reside and on that basis suggest future improvements in the Vanuatu CFM.

Data and Resource

CFM : Consideration for Vanuatu

In this study, the actual form of CFM in…

Field Value
Publisher Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier f9a04442-8682-4e6c-904f-bc0e182bfcac
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Vanuatu
Relevant Countries Vanuatu
Language English
License Public
[Open Data]
Contact Name Jacob J. Jackson Raubani, Vanuatu Fisheries Department
Contact Email [email protected]
POD Theme Coastal and Marine