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21 July 2021 | dataset

Inform project training materials

A collection of Inform project training materials. You are free to download and use any of the training resources below. The PowerPoint presentations contain a complete set of slides, so please feel free to copy, delete or change slides, to fit the purpose of your country training.

Data and Resource

Inform Data Portal good practices

PowerPoint presentation with tips on good…

Inform Training Action Plan

At the end of a training, you can ask…

Inform Docs

Documentation for the SPREP Inform project -…

Inform Project Overview

PowerPoint presentation on the Inform project…

Inform Data Portal Overview

PowerPoint presentation on the building blocks…

Field Value
Publisher Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Release Date
Identifier 8080f13e-d955-4aa0-8648-b93769360f55
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Pacific Region
Relevant Countries Pacific Region
License Public
[Open Data]