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24 March 2022 | dataset

Assessment of Legislative Frameworks Governing Waste Management in Kiribati

This assessment provides the broad findings of the research and investigation undertaken by the UoM team in relation to Kiribati. It provides:

  • A stocktake of the existing legislative environment for waste management in Kiribati, focusing on the PacWastePlus priority waste streams of healthcare waste, asbestos, e-waste, recyclables, organics, disaster waste, bulky waste and wastewater, as well as plastic waste, and including implementing legislation for the following multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs): Waigani, Basel, Stockholm, Rotterdam, and Minamata.
  • An assessment of the legislative framework and its relevance to the PacWastePlus programme focus waste streams and plastic waste
  • An assessment of the capacity of Kiribati’s government to enact the instruments included in the legislative framework
  • Options for strengthening the legislative framework for the Government of Kiribati to deliver its desired waste management outcome

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Publisher Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Release Date
Source URL…
Identifier e57e7ccd-e5b9-48a3-a930-46e71f588629
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Kiribati
Relevant Countries Kiribati
License Public
[Open Data]
Contact Name kiribati@dmin
POD Theme Built Environment