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21 July 2021 | dataset

Community Based Actions in Small Island Developing States - Best Practices from the Equator Initiative

This publication features fourteen (14) case studies from small island developing states from the Caribbean,
the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. The stories range from conserving marine resources
and endangered species to initiatives in ecotourism, reforestation and network development.

The is a companion piece to Island Innovations—UNDP and GEF: Leveraging Environment and Energy for the Sustainable Development of SIDS, a joint UNDP and GEF (Global Environment Facility) book launched at the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, 2014.

Data and Resource

Community Based Actions - Best Practices from the Equator Initiative

This publication is a companion piece to…

Field Value
Publisher Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier 831a6a17-8ace-452b-8b7e-80def5a3eb5b
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Pacific Ocean, Caribbean and Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean
Relevant Countries Pacific Region
Language English
License Public
[Open Data]
Author United Nations Development Programme.
Contact Name Environment and Energy, Group Bureau for Policy and Programme Support - United Nations Development Programme