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01 December 2021 | dataset

Cook Islands 50 Nautical Mile Zone

The purpose of the 50 nautical mile zone of Cook Islands is entailed in the Marae Moana Act 2017. It is an Act to protect and conserve the ecological, biodiversity, and heritage values of the Cook Islands marine environment.

Data and Resource

CK 50NM_Polygon (.shp)

Contains the polygon layer in shapefile format…

CK 50NM_Polyline (.shp)

Contains the polyline layer in shapefile…

CK 50NM_Polyline (.kml)

Contains the polyline layer in kml format…

CK 50NM_Polygon (.kml)

Contains the polygon layer in kml format which…

Field Value
Publisher Pacific Data Hub
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier 5abb783a-53b2-4ad9-bd56-9fc3f2c8537c
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Array
Relevant Countries Cook Islands
License Public
[Open Data]
Author Array