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08 June 2021 | dataset

Number of Tropical Cyclones on Honiara, 1969 - 2010

A time series data showing annual number of cyclones passing within 400km on Honiara. In the 41-year period between 1969 and 2010, 41 tropical cyclones passed within 400 km of Honiara, an average of one cyclone per season (Figure 3). Thenumber of cyclones varies widely from year to year, with none in some seasons but up to five in others. Over the period 1969–2010, cyclones occurred more frequently in El Niño years.

Data extracted from the PCCSP report, 2011

Field Value
Publisher Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
Release Date
Source URL
Identifier 201ab7b6-e31b-4e5f-a769-ead378d65530
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Solomon Islands
Relevant Countries Solomon Islands
Language English
License Private
[Open Data]
Contact Name Solomon Islands Meteorological Service
Contact Email [email protected]
POD Theme Atmosphere and Climate