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15 February 2022 | dataset

State of the Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands: 2020 Regional Report: Indicator 8 - Live Coral Cover

Simplifying coral reef ecosystems to a single number for a country, or for a region, runs counter to our knowledge of the complexity and variability that characterise healthy reefs in a healthy ocean scape.
The Pacific island region has very diverse corals and many types of reefs. Due to differences in the coral shapes and associated community of species, it is not possible to identify a single value as a health threshold for live coral cover. Instead, we can look for changes in live coral cover at a given reef, along with changes in species abundance and other factors that characterise a coral reef system.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 4 p.

Data and Resource

Field Value
Publisher Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Release Date
Source URL…
Identifier VL-43894
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location SPREP LIBRARY
Relevant Countries Pacific Region
License Public
[Open Data]
Contact Name SPREP Records and Archives Officer
Contact Email [email protected]