Status of coral reef and reef fish resources of Vanuatu

The coral reefs of Vanuatu contribute to rural incomes, nutrition, shoreline protection and, more

importantly, self reliance for the people of Vanuatu, particularly coastal communities. However, there

are relatively few extensive shallow water reefs surrounding the 80 high islands in the Vanuatu

archipelago. Inner reef areas are limited to narrow fringing reefs and reef platforms surrounding

islands and a few lagoons and barrier reefs, totalling an area of approximately 408 km2 (Bell & Amos,

J 993). Mangroves and estuarine habitat amount to a total area of only 25 km2 (Bell & Amos, 1993).

The distribution of all reefs in Vanuatu down to 400 metres is provided in table J (David & Cillaureen,


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