2937 results
 Samoa Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE)

Statistics from the Samoa Bureau of Statistics.

  • Protected Areas 2007 - 2017
  • Rainfall at Selected Stations (mm), 2007 - 2017
  • Samoa Annual Rainfall Averages 2007 – 2017 (mm)
 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

The NESP is a compilation of efforts and contributions across the sector which is a clear reflection of Samoa's collective responsibility as 'custodians' of the environment. The National Environment Sector Plan (NESP) 2017 ‐ 2021 updates the NESP 2013‐2016. It is based on the most recent State of the Environment (SOE) assessment documented in 2013, lessons learned from the previous NESP and outcomes of the Sector SWOT Analysis, which was conducted as part of the NESP review and update process

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Dataset contains training material on using open source Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to improve protected area planning and management from workshops that were conducted on February 19-21 and October 6-7, 2020. Specifically, the dataset contains lectures on GIS fundamentals, QGIS 3.x, and global positioning system (GPS), as well as country-specific datasets and a workbook containing exercises for viewing data, editing/creating datasets, and creating map products in QGIS.

 Pacific Data Hub

Gaertner, D., Pallares, P. 2001. The European Union Research Project "Efficiency of the tuna purse seiners and effective efforts" (ESTHER) [FT-6]. Noumea, New Caledonia: SPC, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Standing Committee on Tuna and Billfish, Noumea, New Caledonia, 9-16 August 2001, 14th. 6 p.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This guide introduces environmental indicators and provides an overview of SPREP’S core indicators for Pacific island countries. In 2012, the SPREP members approved the development of a set of standardised indicators for use by member countries at the SPREP meeting. Through the Inform project, SPREP programmes then developed a set of 34 indicators that was endorsed by members at the 2018 SPREP meeting. This document explains the development and use of environmental indicators in Part 1 and provides a summary of each of the 34 ‘core’ indicators in Part 2.

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

In 2018, the Federated State of Micronesia through the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management (DECEM) with the support of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP) assisted in the formulation of the Federated States of Micronesia National Environment Management Strategy (NEMS) 2019–2023.

The FSM NEMS was developed based on data and information in the FSM State of Environment report, formed
as a prerequisite of the NEMS.

 Pacific Data Hub

Hartog J.R., Eveson J. Paige, Moore T., Scales K.L., Patterson T., Baylis S., Sloyan B., Williams A., Spillman C.M., Smith G., Hobday A.J. 2022. Forecasts of future ocean state and potential application to tuna availability. SPC Fisheries Newsletter 168:25–29.

 Pacific Data Hub

Aucan J., Soapi K. 2021. PCCOS: The Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Sciences. Information Paper 12. 13th Heads of Fisheries Meeting, 1–4 June 2021, Virtual meeting. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 3 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

PCCOS and FAME Secretariat. 2021. Towards an ocean science research vessel for the Pacific. Information paper 7. 13th Heads of Fisheries Meeting, 1–4 June 2021, Virtual meeting. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 9 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Leroy B., Kumoru L., FAME, PCCOS. 2022. Point d’information sur les actifs de recherche de la Division pêche, aquaculture et écosystèmes marins (FAME). Document d'information 4. 14e Conférence des directeurs des pêches, 13–17 juin 2022. Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Communauté du Pacifique. 6 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

SPC Secretariat. 2019. The Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS). Information paper 2. 11th Heads of Fisheries Meeting, 11–15 March 2019, Noumea, New Caledonia. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 4 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Leroy B., Kumoru L., FAME Secretariat, PCCOS. 2022. Update on FAME research assets. Information paper 4. 14th Heads of Fisheries Meeting, 14–17 June 2022. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 6 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Community. 2017. Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS): we are the sea, we are the ocean. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 4 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Code of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) was amended to include the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), to increase the size of its Territorial Sea and to be inclusive of the current political status of FSM and other purpose as it deem fit (16 December 1988)

 Pacific Data Hub

Chapter 1 of Title 18 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public Law No. 19-172 on April 28, 2017 established a Contiguous Zone, comprising those areas of the sea that are beyond and adjacent to the Territorial Sea. The inner boundary of the contiguous zone is the seaward boundary of the Territorial Sea. The outer boundary of the Contiguous Zone is a line, every point of which is not more than 24 M seaward of the nearest point of the baseline as defined in section 101 of this title.

 Pacific Data Hub

Title 27 of the Palau National Code as amended by the Act (SIXTH OLBIIL ERA KELULAU) to Amend Chapter 1 of Title 27 of the Palau National Code defines the exclusive economic zone of Palau as adjacent to the contiguous zone. The inner boundary of the exclusive economic zone of each island or atoll is the seaward boundary of the contiguous zone, and the outer boundary is a line, every point of which is 200 nautical miles seaward of the nearest point on the baseline as defined unless otherwise limited by international law or agreement.

 Pacific Data Hub

Data obtained from the Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project, Institute for Marine Remote Sensing, University of South Florida (IMaRS/USF) and Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD/UR 128, Centre de Nouméa).


 Pacific Data Hub

FAD locations published by the New Caledonian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC)

 Pacific Data Hub

Nauru's Territorial Sea Baseline was defined using the 1993 topographic map produce by Survey Graphics Pty Ltd of Perth, Western Australia, under the direction of the Ministry of Island Development and Industry. The map is based on UTM Grid Zone 58, which is referred to the World Geodetic System 1972 (WGS 72). The WGS 72 coordinate system was then converted to WGS 84 using transformation parameters tabled on Nauru Maritime Boundaries Technical Report (TR 399).