2937 results
 Fisheries Department

From Closer external and internal examinations,it is therefore conclude that the fish sampled was not caught from spear,gillnet or line and hook but maybe resulted from other means which can inflicted less external body damages such as 'ava niukini','bleach' or 'dynamite'(if postioned further away from the center of the blast).However,it was scientifically proved that fish at a distance of few hundred metres from the center of the blast can be killed by the impact of the underwater travel sound.

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 University of Guam

Reef fish assemblages were monitored annually from 1978 to 1981 at a series of stations adjacent to an airport runway construction site on Moen, Truk. Monitoring began prior to construction activities and continued through three years during which dredging and filling of adjacent reef areas took place. As a result of construction activities, large amounts of sediments were released into the water. Turbidity was measured monthly


The goal of the sub-component 2A is to improve knowledge, monitoring, management capacity and development of the resources of these ecosystems to ensure of the sustainable development of corals. C2A program gathers several institutes from four different countries that are working together within 5 different broad projects and 25 activities. The main technical partners of C2A are Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE) - Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de la Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD) and The University of the South Pacific (USP).

 Worldfish Centre,  Ministry of Fisheries and Marine resources

Information currently available from Solomon Islands on blacklip pearl oysters(Pinctada margaritifera) and their potential culture comes from three main sources; records of past exploitation, occasional resource surveys that have included blacklip pearl oysters; and research on culture of blacklip oysters in Solomon Islands. Statistics on past exploitation are limited to export tonnage and value collected by the Statistics

 Locally-Managed Marine Area (LMMA) Network

The Locally-Managed Marine Area (LMMA) Network is a
group of practitioners involved in various community-based marine conservation projects around the globe who have
joined together to learn how to improve their results. The

 Pacific Institute of Geography

Contents of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Pb were determined in Tridacnidae and Caulerpaceae inhabiting the relatively unpolluted shallow waters of two coral islands in the Southwestern Pacific. Differences in the geochemical pro- perties of the island environments influence the mineral composition of the organisms. Further, the differential
accumulation of heavy metals by organs of Tridacna may be due to their biochemical functions and the degree of exposure to ambient sea water.

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 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Western Samoa, the larger and more westerly portion of the Samoan Archipelago lies approximately centred on latitude, 13°45 ' south and longitude 1.72° West;. There are two main islands, namely Savai'i and Upolu, the smaller islands of Apolima and Manono and five uninhabited islets. The land area of Western Samoa is approximately 1,100 square miles and the archipelago lies approximately 2,500 miles from Sydney and Hawaii, 1,800 miles north east of New Zealand, with Fiji lying approximately 800 miles to the west.

 USP/University of Rhode Island

The main goal of the project is to improve the planning and management of coastal resources in Fiji using an integrated approach, with the Coral Coast of Nadroga Province serving as a pilot site. Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) is a process that involves the integration (working together) between sectors at both the local and national levels and also between different levels of government. ICM helps solve problems. This initiative worked at both levels.

 Institute of Applied Sciences/The University of the South Pacific

The Fiji Islands are surrounded by numerous fringing coral reefs which are an extremely important natural resource, valuable as local fishery areas, tourist attractions, and for protection of the coastline from the damaging effects of waves. Over recent years, there has been increased development of the coastline in Fiji which has lead to pressure on the surrounding reefs. Degradation of reefs has been observed as the result of factors such as increased erosion on land and siltation of reefs, water


CRISP program is a South Pacific regional initiative, which "aims to develop a vision for the future of [coral reefs] and the communities that depend on them and to introduce strategies and projects to conserve their biodiversity, while developing the economic and environmental services that they provide both locally and globally. Also, it is designed as a factor for


This consolidated report, for the first semester of 2007, comes out one month late because of the programme coordinator participation and involvement in the preparation of the Towns- ville Forum co-organised by Australia and France in September 2007 (see CRISP Enlightnings and CRISP Partnerships chapters further in this report).

Available online

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Physical Description: 24 p.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The Western Samoan Turtle Hatchery Project is, as the accompanying documents will show, a low-input, high-potential stock-reviving programme aimed primarily at increasing the amount of fresh protein currently available to the local population.

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Physical Description: 13 p.


Solomon Islands is one of the seven countries of the South West Pacific Node of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN). The country coordination is carried out by the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) Gizo Office in the Western Province. All coral reef monitoring activities are carried out by WWF Gizo staff with very little interaction with other stakeholders in way of information sharing.

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Physical Description: 7 Pages


In 2000, the Fiji Islands was at the northern edge of a large pool of unusually warm water, and suffered extensive hard coral death due to coral bleaching. A paper composed of a collection of studies from across the Fiji islands, linking this coral
death to elevated sea temperatures at the time, was published (Cummings et al 2000). The difficulty of gathering data from very different sources, and which had been recorded using many different methods, established the need for standardised

 School of Marine Science, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji

Sea temperatures in many tropical regions have increased by almost 1°C over the past 100 years and are currently increasing at 1 ~ 2°C per century. Satellite and compiled in situ observations of sea surface temperatures have greatly increased the ability to detect anomalous and persistent warm water and are being widely used to predict climate change, coral bleaching and mortality.

 Marine Resources Research Department-University of the South Pacific

The Coral Coast, Fiji, was one of the areas included in a South Pacific Marine Resources Energy Programme commissioned, by the Marine Resource Department of the University of the South Pacific. This present survey formed part of an overall exercise embracing similar work in Tonga and West Samoa, and the period spent in Fiji covered March 22nd to April 11th.

Available online

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Physical Description: 52 p.

 Environmental Consultants

This guide has detailed species accounts for the 173 species eith confirmed records in the region and notes on a further 22 species with unconfirmed records. Every breeding bird and regular migrant is illustrated on 16 full colour plates. The species accounts are separated into three sections for the convenience of regional users and non-specialists, who will find the groupings more natural than the standard taxonomic classification. They are Land (and Freshwater) Birds, Sea Birds and shore birds and waders.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

 Unversity of the South Pacific - Marine Studies Programme

Capacity building in the marine sector is a priority for Pacific Island nations, which face major challenges in the sustainable management of their marine resources under UNCLOS III and the various Conventions and Agreements stemming from UNCED. The University of the South Pacific (USP), with its 12 Pacific Island members (Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu) has taken up this challenge through the establishment of its Marine Studies Programme (MSP) in 1993.

 Commonwealth Science Council

Most marine coastal conservation efforts have been species - focused and sea turles have received special attention, efforts having been made to boost depleted populations by protecting nesting beaches and hatchlings.For all the dedication,time and money applied to turtle conservation projects their effectiveness in the South Pacific region remains

 Department of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries

Fishing has always been an important subsistence activity in western Samoa. Referring to Samoa's marine fish resource Kramer (1888) wrote ‘naturally,there are fishes throughout the whole year,for the sea is as inexhaustible as the land'.