18818 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls : The region has made progress in achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls, particularly in education and health and to a lesser extent women’s participation in formal employment and national policy making. This is attributed to growing awareness of the need to address gender inequalities; While almost all countries in the Pacific have adopted specific gender policies and strategies, the resources for integrating and implementing these priorities are limited.

 Pacific Data Hub

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all : Access to education has improved, shown through increased attendance levels in early childhood, primary and secondary school in the Pacific region. Goal 4 highlights the need to focus on improving the quality and relevance of education and cognitive learning outcomes, since literacy and numeracy improvements have not made the expected gains for all.

 Pacific Data Hub

"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages : Some progress has been made against key mortality measures. Maternal mortality ratios have already fallen below the 2030 target in three-quarters of Pacific countries and territories, and one-half have achieved the under-five mortality rate target of fewer than 25 deaths per 100,000; The increasing burden of non-communicable diseases, both with respect to the risk of premature mortality and health care costs, is the dominant health issue in the Pacific region.

 Pacific Data Hub

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture : Stunting, which can occur when a child under five years of age and does not receive adequate nutrition, remains an issue in some of our Pacific countries. One in four children in Vanuatu, one in three children in the Solomon Islands and one in two children in PNG are reported as being stunted. Poorly nourished children are more vulnerable to disease, tend to show lower performance in school, and are less likely to be productive adults.

 Pacific Data Hub

End poverty in all its forms everywhere : Poverty in the Pacific is focused on hardship and lack of economic opportunity and social exclusion. While food and extreme poverty remains relatively low, an estimated one in four Pacific islanders are likely to be living below their country’s basic-needs poverty line (BNPL). Children are especially vulnerable to poverty and inequality because of their dependency on adults for care and protection, and for food. Deprivation and lost opportunities in childhood can have detrimental effects that may persist throughout a child’s life.

 Pacific Data Hub

Contains available data on Pacific Sustainable Development Indicators selected by the region and endorsed by Forum Leaders in the Pacific Roadmap for Sustainable Development. Data is collated from a number of sources, including national household collections, civil registry data, education management information systems, health information systems, treasury papers, and published reports from countries and development partners.

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 Pacific Data Hub

Nominal prices in USD for selected key international commodity prices relevant to Pacific Island Countries and Territories, extracted from World bank Commodity Prices (« pink sheets ») and from FAO GLOBEFISH European Fish Price Report.

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Important conservation areas identified through the rapid biodiversity assessment of Nauru's biodiversity

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) includes information on Palau's forests 2013-2014. The Pacific Northwest Forest Inventory and Analysis (PNW-FIA) program measures and compiles data on plots in coastal Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, and U.S.- affiliated Pacific Islands. Most data are available in Access databases and can be downloaded by clicking one of the links below. PNW data are combined with data from all states in the U.S. and stored in the national FIADB. Data for any state can be accessed on the national website (see links to national tools below).

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Palau's birds. Extracted from Belau National Museum (BNM) website. For more information follow the link http://belaunationalmuseum.net/index.html

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This Environmental Legislation Review for Tuvalu has been produced as an important component of the National Environmental Management Strategies (NEMS) Project. The NEMS Project was developed to address sustainable environmental development and

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

L’Étude d’impact environnemental (ÉIE) est un processus utilisé
pour évaluer et gérer des projets de développement particuliers.
Elle a pour objectif de maximiser les retombées positives et de
minimiser les impacts négatifs pour les communautés locales et
leur environnement. La mobilisation des parties prenantes et les
connaissances locales sont essentielles à la réalisation d’une
bonne ÉIE. Correctement mise en oeuvre, l’ÉIE peut contribuer
à la réalisation des objectifs de croissance verte, de résilience

 Pacific Data Hub

Extraction of the operational regional wave forecast system (AUSWAVE-R) of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) with a resolution of 0.1° for the Pacific region. 

This product is an extraction of the full model output provided by BOM. Only the first forecast of the day for a portion of the Pacific and for a few variables is provided here.

Below is the product description on the BOM website (http://www.bom.gov.au/nwp/doc/auswave/data.shtml):

 Pacific Data Hub

Extraction of the operational global wave forecast system (AUSWAVE-G) of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) with a resolution of 0.25° for the Pacific region. 

This product is an extraction of the full model output provided by BOM. Only the first forecast of the day for a portion of the Pacific and for a few variables is provided here.

Below is the product description on the BOM website (http://www.bom.gov.au/nwp/doc/auswave/data.shtml):

 Pacific Data Hub

Extraction of the operational Hycom global ocean forecast system at 1/12° for the Pacific region. Only surface field of current and temperature are provided. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Extraction of the operational global wave forecast system of Météo-France with a resolution of 1/12° for the Pacific region.

This product is an extraction of the full model output provided by CMEMS. Only the 10 day forecasts for a portion of the Pacific and for a few variables is provided here.

Below is the product description on the CMEMS website:

 Pacific Data Hub

Extraction of the Operational Mercator global ocean analysis and forecast system at 1/12° for the Pacific region.

This product is an extraction of the full model output provided by CMEMS. Only the 8 day forecast for a portion of the Pacific, for a few variables, and for a few depths is provided here (0, 47, 110, 222, 541 and 1062 m).

Below is the product description on the CMEMS website:

 Pacific Data Hub

Ocean circulation model forecast of the Solomon Sea developed by PCCOS.

Simulations performed using CROCO with an horizontal resolution of 1/36°.

 Pacific Data Hub

Ocean circulation model forecast of the Solomon Islands developed by PCCOS.

Simulations performed using CROCO with an horizontal resolution of 1/100°.

 Oregon State University

Interface habitats, areas where aquatic and terrestrial habitats intersect, play important functional roles. Interface habitats mediate the exchange of resources (e.g.. energy,
nutrients, water), alter abiotic gradients (e.g.. temperature, salinity, pH. sedimentation, nutrients), insulate abutting habitats from disturbances, and serve as critical habitat in