60 results
 Pacific Data Hub

The census date was midnight, the 30th of November 2016. It is the official count of population, dwellings and households in Tonga and it provides a ‘snapshot’ of the country at one specific point in time: 30th of November 2016. Since 1956 until 2006, Census has been taken once in every ten years.

 Pacific Data Hub

The census date was midnight, the 23rd of July 2018.

The Census is the official count of population, household and dwellings in Wallis & Futuna and it gives a general overview of the country at one specific point in time: 23rd of July 2018. Since 1969 until 2003, Census has been taken once in every 7 or 6 years and every 5 years from 2003.

 Pacific Data Hub

The survey provides statistically sound and internationally comparable data essential for developing evidence-based policies and programmes, and for monitoring progress toward national goals and global commitments.
The Kiribati Social Development Indicator Survey (SDIS) results are critically important for the purposes of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) monitoring, as the survey produces information on 32 global SDG indicators adopted by the National Development Indicators framework, either in their entirety or partially.

 Pacific Data Hub

The work plan activities in Kiribati related to the updating of the listing of all households and institutions in Kiribati is to produce a sex and age disaggregated population count that forms the basis for a sampling frame for the upcoming Social Indicator Survey (SIS) and Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES). It also serves the purpose of digitalising and harmonising enumeration areas (EAs) to facilitate random sampling and census planning. To achieve this, SPC was engaged to conduct the following activities:

 Pacific Data Hub

The primary objective of the Census is to determine the official count of the number of persons and households in Kiribati in 2020 and can be used to compare their socio-economic characteristics with those 5 years ago collected in the 2015 Population Census. Results of the census are most useful for government of Kiribati for planning and policy formulation and thus have a direct impact on the Kiribati population.

 Pacific Data Hub

The creation of the independent and sovereign nation of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) under the Compact of Free Association with the United States caused a growing need for social and economic development planning. Consequently, as in many developing countries, administrators and planners in the FSM, in their quest for social and economic development often contend with incomplete or unavailable information when it is needed.

 Pacific Data Hub

Extracted from the Field Work Instruction Manual NRU HIES 2013 (Attached):

1.2 Objectives

 Pacific Data Hub

The Tonga Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) was conducted in 2019 by the Tonga Statistics Department in collaboration with Ministry of Health with technical support of Ministry of Internal Affairs – Women’s Affairs and Gender Equality Division (WAGED) and other key Government Ministries UNICEF, UNFPA, the Pacific Community (SPC) and other partners. The survey provides statistically sound and internationally comparable data essential for developing evidence-based policies and programs, and for monitoring progress toward national goals and global commitments.

4xzip 4xdoc
 Pacific Data Hub

The Population and Housing Census 2021 was the 9th census carried out in Tonga since 1956, and the 7th census conducted by the Statistics Department. The Population and Housing Census is a vast and complex undertaking. It is certainly the largest statistical exercise we can contemplate, touching, as it does, every individual and household in the Kingdom. The result of the census has an important role in producing official statistics for Tonga and providing fundamental information for measuring SDG indicators.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2000 Kiribati Population and Housing Census is the 4th Cencus in the series that is successfully administered by the Kiribati Statistics Office staff.

Version 01: Cleaned, labelled and de-identified version of the Master file.

-HOUSEHOLD: Housing and Lands, food, livestock and fishing, capital goods, energy and waste management, health, cash inflow.
-INDIVIDUAL: Population's characteristics, education, work status, fertility.

* Collection start: 2000
* Collection end: 2000

 Nauru Bureau of Statistics

These reports culminate the findings of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) that was undertaken from September 2012 to the end of August 2013 and the 2006 HIES data

 Pacific Data Hub

The objectives of Census changed over time shifting from earlier years where they were essentially household registrations and counts, to now where a national population census stands supreme as the most valuable single source of statistical data for the Fiji.
Census data is now widely used to evaluate:
- The availability of basic household needs in key sectors, to identify disadvantaged areas and help set priorities for action
- Benefits of development programmes in particular areas, such as literacy, employment and family planning;

 Pacific Data Hub

The objectives of the Kiribati Census changed over time shifting from earlier years where they were essentially household registrations and counts, to now where a national population census stands supreme as the most valuable single source of statistical data for Kiribati.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2001 census enumerated both de-facto and de-jure populations. It was intended that all information would be collected during an enumeration period of one week, the week from 11th October 2001. Census night for individual households was the night of 11 October 2001. Given the transport difficulties between Apia and Tokelau, and within Tokelau, and in order to restrict the enumeration period to less than one week, 9 interviewers were involved.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Census is the official count of population, dwellings and households in Tonga and it provides a ‘snapshot’ of the country at one specific point in time: 30th of November 2011. A Tonga census has been taken once in every ten years since 1956. However the population census of 2011 is the first population census by 5 year interval from the previous census in 2006 due to the Electoral Boundary Commission (EBC)'s request according to its Act 2010.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2017 Population and Housing Census of Tuvalu is the many censuses conducted by the Central Statistics Division since Tuvalu gained political independence in 1978.
This document provides the population and housing information on areas covering general health, education, labour force, employment, disability, children, youth, aging-population, gender, communication, technology, urbanization, home appliances and many others.

v01: Cleaned, labelled and de-identified version of the Master file. For internal use only.

The scope of Census includes:

 Pacific Data Hub

The survey was conducted during December 2006, following an initial mini census listing exercise which was conducted about two months earlier in late September 2006.
The objectives of the HIES were as follows:
a) Provide information on income and expenditure distribution within the population;
b) Provide income estimates of the household sector for the national accounts;
c) Provide data for the re-base on the consumer price index;
d) Provide data for the analysis of poverty and hardship.

 Pacific Data Hub

The National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) Baseline Survey 2019 is an expanded Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) and is inclusive of health educational, cultural, and productive dimensions previously uncollected or in need of updating. The results of this survey will inform directly more than 30 key indicators listed in the NSDP M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) Framework, as well as more than 40 of the listed indicators for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

 Pacific Data Hub

The main component of that survey is the expenditure of households. All expenditures are captured and show their amount and sources, disaggregated by a detailled classification containing around 1,750 commodities that is aligned with the international COICOP (Classification Of Individual Consumption Of Purpose) classification. This classification will allow to update the Consumer Price Index of New Caledonia.All types of expenditure are covered, including expenditure that is not related to consumption of goods or services: taxes, house work, cash gifts.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) is a field operation which consists of collecting information in the households based on face to face interview.

The questions asked to the households are related to living standard conditions, expenditures, purchases, incomes.... It is the only survey conducted at a national level which deals with households habits in terms of expenditure and income. As the private and public sector, households represent an economic and social actor of the country which needed to be known.
