8924 results
 Smithsonian DC

Washington Island (Teraina) in the Northern Line Islands is a small atoll with a land area of 14.2 sq. km. situated at 4° 4 3'N, 160° 25'W. The Northern Line Island archipelago is comprised of four islands alined on an axis which runs from Christmas Island, just north of the equator, to Palmyra Island in the northwest (Figure 1). Washington Island, and its nearest neighbor Fanning Island, about 150 kilometers to the south east, have had close economic and social ties for most of their recent history.

 Wetlands International - Oceania

Streams and rivers on islands are considerably different to continental systems in that oceanic island systems are often subject to recurrent flash flooding and many fauna in continental systems are only distantly related to island fauna, rarely having an obligate marine larval phase of their life cycles. Several methods used in surveying continental systems are therefore only of limited applicability in island systems. The field procedures described herein are loosely adapted from those described in Parham, 2005 and Fitzsimons et.

 Ministry of Transport

Non-friable, corrugated, compressed asbestos-cement sheeting, derived from the NZ Aid refurbishment and renovations programme of schools and other Government buildings on Rarotonga

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 2 Pages

 Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity/UNEP

This brochure demonstrates how measures and policies can be shaped to simultaneously address climate change, biodiversity loss and poverty. It identifies opportunities for synergies and mutual enhancement of the objectives of international agreements, particularly the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), as well as decisions taken by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly following the recommendations of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF).

Available online|1 copy

 Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Meteorology (MNREM)

Samoa has retained the same ruling governing party of the last 20 years as its government for the next five years after the general elections in early March 2006. After years in power since 1985, the Human Rights Political Party (HRPP) continues to advance its 9 focus on enhancing the macroeconomic stability of the country. Apart from reliance on traditional mainstays such as agriculture and remittances, it targeted growth led by the construction, other manufacturing, hotels and restaurants, transport and communication sectors.

 Government of FSM, Government of PNG, Government of the Solomon Islands

The present submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
('the Commission') is made by the Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New
Guinea and the Solomon Islands (hereinafter referred to collectively as ‘the three
coastal States’) pursuant to paragraph 8 of Article 76 of the 1982 United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea ('the Convention') in support of the establishment
by the three coastal States of the outer limits of the continental shelf that lie beyond

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

In preparation for the upcoming meeting of the Pacific Climate Change Roundtable (PCCR), to be held in Majuro in October, 2009, the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) commissioned a stocktake of the progress made in implementing the Pacific Islands Framework for Action on Climate Change (PIFACC) in terms of its principles and expected outcomes, with an emphasis on adaptation and the associated enabling environment.

 Australian Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Law

The main aim of this report is to set out a preliminary assessment of the current needs within SPREP in relation to assisting the development of environmental law in Pacific island countries, particularly in relation to legal responses to the impacts of climate change in the region, and to make a series of recommendations based on that assessment. The context of the assessment is that climate change has become one of the overarching priorities within SPREP, also recognizing SPREP’s climate-change leadership role within the region.

Available online

 The University of Vermont

Gold mining is often associated with positive economic benefits; however, it may also have negative impacts on the environment and human health. It is essential that communities understand the risks and benefits associated with mining, particularly in developing countries where there is often a lack of legislation governing the environmental performance of mining corporations. The perceptions of local people regarding the risks and benefits of mining may differ significantly from those of company representatives, policy makers, and the scientific community.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP),  Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Programme (PACC)

For Pacific SIDS, the need for adaptation to climate change has become increasingly urgent. Long-term climate changes, including the increasing frequency and severity of extreme events such as high rainfall, droughts, tropical cyclones, and storm surges are affecting the lives and livelihoods of people in PICs. Coupled with non-climate drivers, such as inappropriate land use, overexploitation of resources, increasing urbanization and population increase, development in the region is increasingly undermined.

 Environment and Conservation division, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Meteorology

Most of the development activities that generate foreign earnings for the economy of Solomon Islands are heavily dependent upon the exploitation and utilization of natural resources. For many years, economic development activities in Solomon Islands have not integrated environmental considerations.

 National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council

As a background for work on the vegetation of Micronesia it was necessary to assemble all available information on the flora. early accounts of the islands and their exploration. agricultural history. and economic botany. as well as on the ecology and vegetation of the region. It was found that the published bibliographies were by no means. complete or adequate for this purpose. so a card catalog was made of all items located and examined. This forms the basis of the bibliography. but an effort has been made to locate and include any published work on other aspects of plant science. also.

 UN Environment Programme

A Workshop on Regional Action to Combat Invasive Alien Species on Islands to Preserve Biodiversity and Adapt to Climate Change highlighted successes, deepened connections within regions and facilitated the exchange of experiences across regions.While discussions outlined significant obstacles to invasive alien species management2 on islands, they also showcased how targeted successes have led to major gains for conservation and development.Collaboration across developmental and environmental sectors and sustained support are critical to success in this field.Exciting new initiatives are dev

 Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Species which have been assessed for extinction
risk are on average moving closer to extinction.
Amphibians face the greatest risk and
coral species are deteriorating most rapidly in
status. Nearly a quarter of plant species are estimated
to be threatened with extinction.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 92-9225-220-8

Physical Description: 96 p.

 Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Today, May 10th, in addition to being SIDS Day, coincides with the release, in Nairobi, Kenya, of the third
edition of Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-3). This major new assessment of the current state of
biodiversity and the implications of its continued loss for human well-being was produced by the
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the broadest international treaty for the conservation and
sustainable use of biodiversity and the equitable sharing of the benefits from the utilization of genetic

 World Bank/WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Use

Well managed natural forests almost always provide higher quality water, with less sediment and
fewer pollutants, than water from other catchments
Some natural forests (particularly tropical montane cloud forests and some older forests) also
increase total water flow, although in other cases this is not true and under young forests and some
exotic plantations net water flow can decrease
Impacts of forests on security of supply or mitigating flooding are less certain although forests can
reduce floods at a local headwater scale

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), PROE

The Regional Wetlands Action Plan (RWAP) for the Pacific Islands (SPREP, 1999) was endorsed by the 26 member countries and territories of SPREP. The Action Plan contained 28 priority actions in the areas of management, capacity building, research and monitoring for wetland ecosystems. In 2002, a formal memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and SPREP to promote the importance of wetland conservation in the Pacific Islands region.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

All South Pacific countries have a need to monitor the weather conditions within the region especially during the cyclone season. An important tool to assist in monitoring and
forecasting weather conditions is the weather
satellite image.

3 copies

Call Number: 551.6354 SCH [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 982-04-0112-7

Physical Description: iv, 16 p. ; 29 cm

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The National Environment Pollution Awareness Workshop conducted at Funafuti in Tuvalu on 11 - 13 May 1993 came about as a result of the assembling of environmental priorities within countries of the South Pacific under the National Environment Management Strategy (NEMS) Programme. The identification of the lack of proper waste management and pollution control measures were regarded as priorities that had to be addressed.

2 copies|Also available online

Call Number: 363.73 NAT [EL],341.762

ISBN/ISSN: 982-04-0005-8

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The environmental needs of small island developing countries were given special attention at the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 as was the need to determine "how the new global framework for sustainable development can be put into action in island countries" (Miles, 1993, p. 34). The environment is a vital resource for all island developing states. Its special